Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Henri Fayol and his continued relevance in an evolved system Essay

Henri Fayol and his continued relevance in an evolved system - Essay Example This analysis will concur with the latter assessment as it is this author’s belief that although Fayol could probably not have conceived of our current economic system, his functions of management are as essentially relevant to a service oriented economy as they were an industrial economy. Fayol’s functions of management are as follows: 1- To forecast and plan; 2- To organize; 3- To command; 4- To coordinate; 5- To control. As such, consider a business manager today (whether the business be an IT support center, or a steel mill) has very much the same managerial tasks. Imagine the tasks that these managers are responsible for on a daily basis. Though the industries are nearly at the polar opposite ends of the spectrum, management’s tasks remain incredibly similar. The manager must forecast and plan, i.e. the manager must be able to draw inference from incoming inputs and use those inputs to forecast future actions (Amsden et al, 1996). Regardless of the industry, this remains a primary function of management and one that simply cannot be disregarded. Likewise, the manager of both aforementioned firms must organize tasks and employees and teams to complete those assigned tasks. Without organizational skill, direction is lost and management becomes impossible. Accordingly, the ability of a manager to command the progress and workflow remains a vital component of ensuring that the work is performed according to the rubric laid out in the planning and forecasting function. Furthermore, without coordination of people, teams, and workflow, it is nearly impossible to imagine any task (whether at a high end service company or a basic industrial firm) would ever be completed satisfactorily. Lastly, with respect to control, regardless of the type of firm the manager is responsible for governing, he/she must necessarily receive feedback upon the overall process and adjust his/her methods and inputs accordingly. Because these principles of management a re so basic, so intrinsic to the overall notion of proper direction in a firm, it is hard to imagine a world in which the guiding principles of Fayol would not be manifest (Gannon et al, 1999). In short, due to the simplicity of these functions, they retain the utmost relevance even in today’s service driven economy. In their work, â€Å"Revisiting Fayol: Anticipating Contemporary Management†, Parker and Ritson determined that Fayol’s works were far more visionary and insightful than previously thought. They determined that elements of Fayol’s analysis transcended the boundaries of the era of industrial management which Fayol was speaking. Further, the study uncovered, â€Å"traces of ideas and concepts that anticipated aspects of the human relations movement, systems-based contingency theory, the movement towards greater employee involvement in decision-making and elements of knowledge management† (Parker/Ritson, 2005). Rather than Fayol being mer ely considered as a father of management theory, the analysis gives evidence for the fact that Fayol’s writings, personal background, career, and ideas all lend credence to the fact that he was more forward-thinking and visionary as to the evolution of management than most sources give

Monday, October 28, 2019

Some Good Marketing Funda Essay Example for Free

Some Good Marketing Funda Essay Some good marketing Funda! you can find much more at the link provided in the end.. Do read.. Marketing GD me mast points hai bolneko! When we think of marketing, we often think of Marketings efforts to acquire customers. The world, however, is moving toward relationship-based business, including subscription services and subscription commerce—but also most other business. Consider consumer packaged goods companies that used to have no direct relationship with customers, who bought in box stores. Many CPG companies are now using online and social mediums to build direct relationships with their customers. In this world, customer retention is just as important as customer acquisition. So how do the 7 Ps of marketing apply to customer retention marketing? 1. People are the most important. Retaining customers is about building relationships, and relationships are about people. Treat your customer as a person, and not a customer; start by hiring people who show they care about others. Compare how you behave driving in rush-hour traffic with how you drive down your own street past your neighbors. When you know you will see people again, or if you want to see them again, you treat them better. The whole company needs to care about customers and customer retention, and one executive must be responsible to ensure thats so—hence the rise of the chief customer officer. 2. Product is a very close second in importance to People. If your product is off, you will have a difficult time with the rest of the Ps. However, if the product is on target, you will accomplish the rest of the Ps much more easily. When designing your product or service for maximum customer retention, provide quick time to value, continued value over time, and high quality (those are what Apple does so well). Sometimes there is another P: Packaging. I include packaging as part of the product (or service), and the key to it is polish. 3. Place obviously matters when you are figuring out where to put your physical store, but what about when youre online? Does it matter there? Yes. If I am looking to communicate with my customer and offer them an upsell, I could send them an email or message them right while they are shopping, browsing, or working on my site. The first communication is out of context and has a low chance of response. The second is in context and has a higher likelihood of response. â€Å"Place† is context, and context matters. 4. Price. In any good relationship, people take care of each other. That is now the expectation in the customer-business relationship as well. Our customers assume that we will look after them. That is what they pay us to do. In an e-commerce business, that sort of relationship means providing deals for our recurring customers. In a subscription business, that means rolling new features (some, not all) into the service, over time, without charging more. 5. Promotion. How should you promote your product or service to customers to retain them, upsell to them and keep them for the long haul? Quite differently from how you promote to a prospective customer. Why? Because the person is your customer. You know, or should know, him or her. You know what the customer bought from you or how he or she uses your service. You can use that information to message customers in a more targeted, appropriate, helpful, and effective way. Dont spam them with the same generic info you send to everyone else. Send them targeted emails and in-context messages. 6. Processes. To succeed in all of the previous Ps, and for this success to be more than a one-time fluke, you need good processes, such as monitoring social media and engaging customers there, surveying customers for satisfaction, and implementing marketing automation. My company uses its own customer engagement solution to understand how each customer is engaging with the business. We look for positive or negative patterns and respond accordingly, sometimes by person or email but often right in our application with a targeted message based on behavior. 7. Positioning. If you want to retain your customers, you have to know who you are and communicate that clearly and repeatedly to them so they know who you are as well. Foremost, however, is this: Your actions must communicate your positioning. Those actions are showcased in the people you hire, the product you ship or service you deliver, the price you charge and the discounts you provide, the place and promotions you choose, and the processes you put in place. Combined, your words and actions say This is who we are and what you can expect of us. By acting on the 7 Ps of Customer Retention Marketing, you can keep your customers; make their interactions with your business successful; and in so doing make your business more successful.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Biography of Willa Cather Essay -- Biographies Authors Writers Essays

Biography of Willa Cather Willa Cather was born December 7th, 1873 in the Back Creek Valley of Northern Neck, Virginia. Her parents, Charles Cather and Virginia Bloak, both came from families that had lived in the region for generations. Their house was described as â€Å"full of bustling and many-colored life† (E.K. Brown 18) including Willa’s three siblings, neighbors, and the friends of the family who came around often. The people of the town were eager to help one another out. Willa spent much of her time divided between her father, whom she helped in the fields tending to the sheep, and going with her grandmother and friend Margie Anderson â€Å"on errands of mercy and medicine, or [with] her mother on visits to cousins, neighbors or dependents† (21). At age nine, however, Charles Cather decided to move the family and join his father and brother near Red Cloud, Nebraska. The moves were difficult for Willa, but in later years she never regretted the change. Red Cloud was a small, settled prairie town whose population was constantly growing from European immigration. The town was made up of primarily Scandinavian, Bohemian, and French immigrants who had come to work the land. The Cather family grew to include seven children while there, but Cather’s strongest influences came from older people in town: schoolteachers and neighbors who read with her and shared their libraries. Cather also met people like Annie Sadilek, a Bohemian woman credited with the inspiration for the character Antonia of Cather’s My Antonia. The entire town and atmosphere of Red Cloud served as the backdrop for most of Cather’s novels and short stories. She said herself that â€Å"the years from eight to fifteen are the formative period in ... ... Her life’s contribution to society is remembered and praise. Cather was a modernist, but more than that, she was an amazing writer whose novels and writings are relevant and still touch readers today as they did when she had first written them. Resource Page Great Websites: : The Willa Cather Electronic Archive : Perspectives in American Literature, a Research and Reference Guide Bibliography Brown, E.K. Willa Cather: A Critical Biography. Alfred A Knopf; New York: 1953. Jessup, Josephine Lurie. The Faith of Our Fathers. Richard R. Smith; New York: 1950., Scott Newstron, January 6, 2996, Harvard University, last updated March 5 2002.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Arthur Miller biography Essay

Arthur Miller was born on 17 October 1915, in New York City. He lived in Harlem until he was fourteen. His Dad was a clothes manufacturer but lost all his money in 1929 when the stock market crashed. Due to the economic depression, which followed, when Miller graduated from high school in 1932 there was no money to send him to university. He worked for two years as shipping clerk, earning money to get him to college. He applied to the University of Michigan in 1934 and graduated from there in 1938. He worked in a Navy Yard while writing for the radio. His first successful stage play was All My Sons which opened in 1947 and later a film was made of it. Following this was the even more successful Death of a Salesman, which opened in 1949. These plays were seen as an attack on capitalism and during the McCarthy era of the 1940’s and 1950’s there was a lot of hysteria surrounding the spread of communism. Senator Joe McCarthy was very anti-communist and was adamant that any communist activities in America should be stomped out and the perpetrators jailed. Although this seemed a good idea to some, McCarthy’s policy was you either confess to be a communist, or give names of communists, or you would go to jail. Due to All My Sons and Death of a Salesman being seen as an attack on capitalism, Miller was summoned before the House Un-American Activities Committee that had been in operation since 1938. He was told to confess to signing his name on various petitions that the court had received or he would be jailed. Arthur Miller linked the activities of the Committee to the Salem witchcraft trials in which a few adolescent girls accused people of Salem of witchcraft. If these people did not confess to witchcraft then they would be hanged. From this he was able to write the play, The Crucible. The Crucible is about a young girl named Abigail who is in love with a married man named John Proctor. Abby and some other girls confess to compacting with the devil and are seen as saints as they start naming people who they claim to be witches. Proctor is determined to stop them and he with some others try to oppose authority to uncover the truth. Miller has used John Proctor as metaphor for himself.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Social Science Essay -Housing Extended Report

Introduction The work of Woodberry Down estate regeneration was initiated by the Hackey Council in the year 201. The exercise involved demolition of 1, 981 homes with an aim of building new 1,561 both private, ownership, and social rental homes. Some of the projects that were initiated include; Redmond community centre, public parks, academies, retails, commercial houses as well as regeneration of narrow seven sister’s road (Woodberry Down Clinical Commissioning Group, 2013). The purpose of this report is to analyse and discuss possible ways that correlates with IA policies on integration of stakeholders, community, state members as well as regional levels as far as Woodberry Down Regeneration is of concern based on the health care issue. As far as single parent and Woodberry down estate housing are of concern, this extended report will devise a methodology to assess the impact on a defined population or community of this area. Evidence Historically, Woodberry Down Regeneration was a 20-year programme and established as a partnership housing initiative in Europe. The key stakeholders as far as Woodley Down Estate programme is of concern include; Genesis Housing Association, Berkeley Homes, Greater London Authority, WDCO, Manor House Development and Hackney Homes. However, being one of the largest mass housing estates in Europe, Woodberry Down was built after World War two (Hackney Council, 2014). This is one of the estates that are located between the Finsbury Park and East as well as West reservoirs. Woodberry Down estate and regeneration process started in the year 1999. This was after the estate suffered from physical deterioration as well as under-investment. This led to the high levels of crime and accompanied by the anti-social behaviours especially from youths. For regeneration to take place well, a master plan was drawn and underpinned in the year 1999 (Berkeley Group, 2014). Moreover, the project was regenerated and updated in the year 2012 due to the prevailing economic climate as well as processes involved in consultation with the residents. Meanwhile, for proper management, and based on the single parent family, this project will provide and devise a methodology to assess the impact on a defined single parent housing as far as Woodberry Down estate regeneration is of concern (Berkeley Group, 2014). Impact Assessment As far as impact assessment stages is of concern, it is so evident that owning a house as a single parent is not easy given that one has stretch budget in relation to the tough job he or she is doing that requires attention at large. Single parents as well as mothers require sacrifices to meet the aspect of home ownership. As far as the regeneration of Woodberry Down estate is of concern, the projects looks forward to initiate the best impact assessment stages that will help single parent be able to acquire home ownership. Impact Assessment Stages a. Policies guiding single parents to achieve and own a house To start with, there will be initiation of policies that favours single parent to acquire a house in this programme. Just on the reflection challenges facing these families, and the bills that they require to meet, the function of this programme as far as the regeneration of Woodberry Down estate is of concern, will be to necessitate low-income buyer with less limitation policies as compared to the duo families. These policies will be unveiled through community policing and the only requirement will be a small fee i.e. not exceeding ?850 as the registration fee. The programme however, looks forward to initiate the aspect of affordability and consistency in terms of ability one has to necessitate. b. Commitment However, for the programme to work well, we need to administer the aspect of commitment among the registered single parents aspiring to own a house within the initiative of Woodberry Down estate programme. It is good to note that commitment works hand in hand with effective communication and therefore leading to positive results. Concurrently, it is evident that â€Å"Commitment is dedication to a particular organisation, cause, or belief, and a willingness to get involved. People who are committed to an organization or effort truly believe that it is important, and they show up, follow through, and stick with it. The more people who are committed to your organization, the greater the momentum you can generate to get the job done.† For effective work and delivery of services, the aspect of effective communication should be taken into account (Robert, 2001: 12-17). When there is no communication for instance, between the Woodberry Down Estate management and the stakeholders i.e. single parents, the quality and delivery of services will be compromised hence undermining the programme to an extend that the morale of owning a house as a single parent in relation to the confined income may be impossible to meet. From this perception, the report will execute Lewis’s strategic module that implement effective delivery of services as far as owning a house as a single parent and Woodberry Down estate regeneration programme is taken into account. c. Equality The virtue of equality will be given a hand on every single parent aspiring to own a house as far as Woodberry Down estate and regeneration programme is taken into account. Through this virtue, the programme will incur local housing strategy that impacts all tenants as well as resident of Woodberry Down estate and this in turn will build up more affordable homes across all tenures. In addition, the aspect of equality will oversee and tackle anti-social behaviours hence increasing mobility across the housing system. The virtue of commitment requires mobilization and sustainability. To identify and change in the situation, the reports anticipate providing the re-configuration of Woodberry Down estate through community policing. â€Å"The more committed people there are the more effective they are in influencing others. If a whole group acts with determination and commitment, great numbers of people will really pay attention. People who are committed are the ones who don’t take discouragement seriously and don’t give up. They set an example for those who don’t have the confidence or experience to go through the hard times and hold out for the rewards of success.† For this to take place, laying down good and structured communication roles among the stakeholders and single parent will be an enticing aspect. This will be through every member being acquainted with the goals of the project, vision, and period time requisition as well as satisfaction aspect. d. Initiative of repayment cycle Nevertheless, to drive a positive change, the report necessitates the deployment of 10 percent repayment cycle to the single parents unlike from other stakeholder around the country who requires 50 percent of the total money required to own a house. The introduction of day to day repayment cycle will also be the best approach as this will see single parents paying as less as ?20 per day hence initiating modern technology instrumentation to collect the debit from the single parents. As we anticipate to positively triggering these services, it becomes clearer that there may be some very strong forces preventing substantial changes of any kind from occurring. This includes; constraints, economic challenges, strict budget, poor communication and problem from modern technological instrumentation (Beard & Billett, 2010: 32-36 An analysis based on the problem facing the department was analysed by various scholars. Haven, for instance, started that the drivers for change are dominant to the resistance force. In order for us to provide good and sustainable service to the Woodberry Down Estate community, force field analysis is evitable. This compares the result from both drivers for change and against the total numbers to reduce negative impact and the challenges single parents meets hence, reducing cost and maintaining the organisation value and the fate of the single parents mothers (Kemm, 2012: 11-14). This can be done by encouraging the individuals that they should adopt new behaviours and discard the old one. It also presents the existing problem and makes people realise the need for change. It involves encouraging the individuals to look for new solutions. In addition to the above factors, unfreezing also involves eliminating the rewards for the individual’s current behaviours so that they can be discouraged to use. This is useful implementation of Woodberry Down Estate regeneration based on the single parents is taken into account (O’Mullane, 2013: 57-62). Research methodology The purpose of this report is to analyse and discuss possible ways that correlates with IA policies on integration of stakeholders, community, state members as well as regional levels as far as Woodberry Down Regeneration and planning is of concern. As far as the single parent and Woodberry down estate housing are of concern, this report also looks forward to devise a methodology to assess the impact on the defined single parenthood management. The sample and survey will be directed to the single families that look forward to invest in this project through an opinion. There is recognition of the data collection and its framework analysis for the purpose of answering the research questions and achieves targeted objectives through validation, outsourcing, collection and data analysis. The study on the basis of literature has shown that the research goals would be achieved more efficiently with the quantitative method. Whereas, the literature reviewed has revealed an objective need for numeric data that is necessary to a greater extent due to its absence, rather than non-numeric data. The quantitative method allows assessing the influence of the identified factors by the end-user, which permits the initiation and building of a consumer behaviour model. Ultimately, the variables were identified on the basis of the literature studied (O’Reilly, Truman, Redmond, Yunni, Wright, Cave & Haq, 2006: 10-13).a. Research philosophy and approachThe objective of this report is to develop a philosophical study. We may define it as â€Å"an over-arching term relating to the development of knowledge and the nature of that knowledge.† Due to this aspect, the report initiated the use of deductive approach to analyse the case as it stand out to be the right approach bas ed on development of knowledge as far as over-arching perception is of concern. Based on the fact that theoretical framework has been defined, a test will be necessary to articulate the outlined theories hence; assuring the aspect of quantitative method which is one of the research methods.b. Research strategiesTo necessitate the aspect of research strategy, the report will adopt and make use ofquestionnaires for the experimental actions. The survey will cut across the single parents, diverse ages and anyone aspiring to implement proper planning and housing programme.c. Data CollectionData collection is a crucial stage as far as the prevailing report is of concern as it is triggered from the research strategy that incurs survey activities. Data collection however, will be availed during exhibition programme where visitors will be requested to give views as far as the liability of owning a house is taken into account. The report will help in acquiring data based on the visitorâ€⠄¢s preferences as well as get acquainted to new features and product available as far as housing aspect is of concern. More so, data will be availed based on age group, occupation and level of incomes from diverse culture of Woodberry Down estate.d. PopulationThe population of the Woodberry Down Estate is 8,758 people. According to the Central Statistical Bureau of London, 7,000 of them are aged 18 to 74(Reference GOV website). Typically, data from the leading specialised agencies that focus on the public opinions of the London residents are majorly used for surveys, with a representative sample of 1428 respondents used to make a projection of the opinion of all housing inhabitants of London. It is good to note that the â€Å"Population is the total number of objects of observation, which acquire a certain amount of characteristics, such as gender, income and age. In order for the survey to have been carried out successfully, it was necessary to generate a sample of inhabitants w ho are active housing planners (Berkeley Group, 2014).†e. Sample and sample techniqueThe correct display of the population is independent to the sample generated. The sample is a representation of the number of visitors who come to inquire about pricing and acquisition of single parent housing as far as Woodberry Down estate is of concern. This study however, will target the audience between 18-69 years old. The sample technique will incur Questionnaire where the author is acquainted with several theories to formulate the questions. The report however, will formulate a questionnaire and present to the visitors to ascertain views on the Woodberry Down Estate programme and as far as single parent aspect is taken into account. The regeneration of the estate will avail sample technique with an initiation of five crucial parts questions within the questionnaire. The first part of the questions will be based on data analysis directed to the consumer’s demography. The second part will be initiated by the closed questions which bear information that will obtain factual information from the respondent.The third part will execute questions based on the consumer’s age proportions as well as income probabilities. The forth part will articulates factors that influences the choice and preference of the consumer while the fifth part oversees factors and importance the consumers will assumes for effecting the programme. The analysis of this question will achieve one of the goals, which is to investigate the infl uencing factors on the choice housing the single families aspire to initiate. The analysis of responses to the third and fourth part of the questionnaire would also achieve one of the goals of the study to explore the advantages of different types of agencies in the selection of their end-users. All this will be articulated through consumer behaviour model.f. Pilot studyTo finalise the data collected through the help of sampling technique, a pilot version will be created to ascertain and correct any miscellaneous results hence providing the final data collection.Single parent aspiring to acquire housing programme and within the regeneration of Woodberry Down estate programme will be the target audience within the pilot study. Ten pilot questionnaires from the target consumers will be initiated and the feedback tabulated hence any possible adjustments will be unveiled. Any final outcomes from the final version will be executed and tabulated as the primary survey outcomes.g. Sample type and sampling errorProbability and the non-probability are the two substantial sample types that the report anticipates to execute to eliminate sampling error. It is critical to note that random sampling technique necessitate this study and it is one of the probability sampling types of sampling technique. This sample type assumes homogeneity of the population, which indicates an equal probability of the availability of all elements. Moreover, margin error also known as sampling error indicates a deviation of the results obtained by using the probability sample survey data from the population. There are two kinds of sampling errors i.e. statistical and systematic. In this case, the statistical error was used due to the fact that there was an absence of factors that could seriously affect the study. Consequently, the systematic error depends on the sample size. The larger the sample size, therefore the less is the error. Accordingly, for a simple random sample of 95% the probabi lity level would be 5 percent. However, for a specific population of this study, which is 8,758, the sample size should be from 22 to 25.h. Fieldwork resultsThis is another crucial part that will incur the use of the personal survey collection. There will be print out of questionnaires that will be spread out by individuals to the respondent as well as participants. Fieldwork results will be monitored closely to ensure that the aspect of reliability based on the survey is taken into account.i. Data analysisTo execute data analysis, the report will employ quantitative data analysis technique. The processed data will be tabulated on a matrix table in conformation to the outlaid final questionnaires results. The data will therefore be recorded using numerical codes. The processed information will be analysed and tabulated inform of graphs as well as trends. Conclusion As far as impact assessment stages is of concern, it is so evident that owning a house as a single parent is not easy given that one has stretch budget in relation to the tough job he or she is doing that requires attention at large. Single parents as well as mothers require sacrifices to meet the aspect of home ownership. The purpose of this report was to analyse and discuss possible ways that correlates with IA policies on integration of stakeholders, community, state members as well as regional levels as far as Woodberry Down Regeneration is of concern based on the health care issue. As far as single parent and Woodberry down estate housing are of concern, this extended report will devise a methodology to assess the impact on a defined population or community of this area. The findings necessitate that the result from both drivers for change and against the total numbers to reduce negative impact and the challenges single parents meets hence, reducing cost and maintaining the orga nisation value and the fate of the single parent’s mothers. Bibliography Berkeley Group (2014) Living at Woodberry Down. [Online] Available from: study.pdf[Accessed 2nd November 2014]. Beard, C. & Billett, A. (2010) Health Impact Assessment: Passionate about health. Guidance 2nd Edition, available from: Hackney Council. (2014) Woodberry Down Regeneration. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 4th November 2014]. Kemm, J. (2012) Health Impact Assessment: Past Achievement, Current Understanding, andFuture Progress. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Kemm, J., Parry. J. & Palmer, S. (2005). Health Impact Assessment: Concepts, Theory,Techniques And Applications. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. O’Mullane, M (2013) Integrating Health Impact Assessment With The Policy Process: Lessons And Experiences From Around The World. Washington DC: CRC Press. O’Reilly, J., Truman, P., Redmond, S., Yunni, Y., Wright, D., Cave, B. & Haq, G. (2006). CostBenefit Analysis of Health Impact Assessment. Department of Health & York Health Economics Consortium. Robert, M. (2001), Understanding social problems, Great Britain T.J. International Ltd.,Padstow, Cornwall, Massachusetts, USA, Blackwell. [Accessed: 13th November 2014]. Woodberry Down Clinical Commissioning Group. (August 2013). Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Woodberry Down. Woodberry Down Health and Wellbeing Board. Retrieved from: [Accessed: 10th November 2014].

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Balearic Islands Consist Of Four Island Tourism Essay Essay Example

Balearic Islands Consist Of Four Island Tourism Essay Essay Example Balearic Islands Consist Of Four Island Tourism Essay Paper Balearic Islands Consist Of Four Island Tourism Essay Paper Introduction Balearic Islands consist of four island which are A, B, C and Mallorca. Mallorca is the largest island of the Balearic archipelago which accounts for about three quarters of the land with 80 % of its population in Balearic Island ( Bull 1997, 140 ) . It country has covered about 3640 kilometre per square with the 555 kilometer of the entire seashore length of the island ( Garcia and Servera 2003, 288 ) . The clime of Mallorca is typically Mediterranean with moderate mean temperatures. During the summer, the prohibitionist and warm season takes topographic point. The one-year rainfalls are 625 millimeters, with mean temperature 16 celcius and 18 celcious except in the high mountain. With its favourable clime, extended coastline and attractive beaches have lured visitants for many centuries. The development of Mass Tourism Definition of Mass touristry Butler s life rhythm of Mallorca Exploration A ; involvement stage-1930s The pantryman s lifecycle theoretical account ( 1980 ) , describes the growing, stagnancy and diminution stages of a tourer finish can be best apply in the finish of Mallorca from the growing phase to post-stagnation phase. In the period of geographic expedition and engagement phases of Butler s theoretical account which started in 1930 s touristry takes topographic point in Mallorca act simply as an instrument for exciting cultural and rational activity ( Bull 1997, 141 ) . Early on development phase 1955s When it comes to 1955 Mallorca Island is in development phase where mass touristry started to turn during that period. There was a re-establishment of the tourer board that have significantly change the touristry on the island whereby the touristry become more closely associated with the development of bundle vacations and mass touristry from the turning markets in western and northern Europe ( Pearce 1991 and Williams 1997 ) . However in 1959, Spanish authorities took the novice to simplify the process of sing the state in order to overhaul the Spanish economic system through touristry by deriving abroad gross ( Stabilisation Act of 1959 ) . The Numberss of visitants started to growing invariably in early 1960s, bulk of the visitants were dominated from UK and Germany in big volumes concentrated particularly during summer season ( Clark 1988 ) ( Figure 1 ) . Consolidation stage-1980s-1990s Between 1960s-1980s the effects from the roar of international touristry to Mallorca, it led to an intensive resort development of the along the coastline. Most of the island originated from the rapid growing of inexpensive bundle vacations in the sixtiess. However in the late of 1970s, many edifices, resorts and flats were built in order to provide big Numberss of visitants and turning figure of the populations. Majority of these early resorts were portrayed by standard tower block architecture, short of proper substructure and deficiency of planning, which are typical of the consolidation phases of Butler s theoretical account. Buswell ( 1996, 321 ) has described the growing of tourer declaration on Mallorca as unplanned and piecemeal, even helter-skelter . After that resorts have been capable affair to stricter be aftering Torahs which set up in the 1980s and 1990s. Subsequently Mallorca has maintained its popularity with tourers, peculiarly from UK and Germany furthermore invar iably attracts more than 10 thousand visitants per annum ( Buswell 1996 and Government Balear 2003 ) Stagnation and Decline stage-1990s-2000s In late 1990s, environmental force per unit areas begin to emerge in Mallorca sing to the issue such as H2O deficits, clime alteration, overcrowding, and over commercialisation every bit good as anti-social behaviour by its visitants. This finally causes an overall of diminution in figure of visitants arrive to its finish. In commissariats of finish life rhythm kineticss, the touristry merchandise of Mallorca was get downing to stagnate and decline and needed direction planning and policy intercession to convey about its rejuvenation ( Butler, 1980 ) . Development of Mass touristry in Calvia, Mallorca Calvia is a municipality of Mallorca which is besides one of the largest touristry having countries. It accounted about one tierce of the entire flow of tourers to Balearic Islands. It covers 145 kmA? and has a coastal strip of 56 Km of beaches and drops which make it as perfectly suited finish for mass touristry. It offers adjustment for 120,000 bedspaces and with about up to 1.6 million visitants a twelvemonth ( Aguilo, Algere and Sard, 2005 ) . Furthermore, with its location in bantam distance from the airdrome of Palma creates an easy accessible to the visitants. The population of the occupant increased from 3000 in dwellers during 1960 up to 30,000 in the late 1890ss ( Dodds 2007 ) . Since 19th century, touristry began to be as chief economic activity of its island ( Ministerio de Economia y Hacienda, 2005 ) . Tourism development in Calvia boomed in the sixtiess and has been based on short-run economic addition. As Aguilo et Al. ( 2005 ) provinces, it was one of the first municipalities to see negative effects of mass touristry. Lack of be aftering ordinances resulted in urban conurbation and deficiency of environmental respect, similar to many Mediterranean resorts. The theoretical account of touristry development in Mallorca has been based on short-run involvement, limitless constructing out of melody with local conditions, and an unsustainable development of exceeding natural resources . Tourist development took topographic point in 1960s to 1980s and was headlong and unplanned. Economy In economic point of position, touristry is of import as it create occupation chances, substructure development every bit good as foreign exchange. The unemployment rate is much lower than national norm ( Ministerio de Trabajo 2005 ) as there are about 31,793 people employed in restaurant-bars, 2057 in agencies of transit lease, 483 in supermarkets, 398 people employed in souvenir stores and another 1,684 work in other tourer installations. Meanwhile 1,402 involved in beach concern and 18,003 are involved in supplying tourer activities. It has been estimated that Calvia owns a entire figure of 61749 vacancies supplying tourer activities ( Molz 2004 ) . It has 30 % higher income per capital of national and 5 % higher of E.U. degrees ( Ministerio de Economia y Hacienda 2005 ) . Looking at these figures it becomes perfectly obvious 85 % of Balearic Island s GNP is from tourer industry, and touristry is the major beginning of income for the municipality of Calvia . Therefore its economic system is wholly reliant upon it. From the statistics Numberss given, it can be conclude that there is high figure of labour force fall ining the labor market, the tourer monoculture particularly during the peak seasonal form, labor with a low wage system, and force per unit area of work during high season ( Local Agenda 21 2001 ) . Socio civilization impact While touristry provides certain economic benefits to a part at least in the short term, it besides causes perturbation to the local manner of life. For the locals the concerns may deduce due to the unrealized promises, devastation of an older and simpler manner of life, insufficiency of employment chances or dissatisfaction with the economic alterations which came with mass touristry development. Before touristry takes topographic point, Calvia was basically a hapless and rural country with small outside contact and general history of out-migration with its ain linguistic communication and civilization of Catalan roots ( Ruzza 2004 ) . However touristry has entirely altered these characteristics ; a huge figure of in-migration from the Spanish peninsula arrived to carry through the demand for labour created by the growing of mass touristry, peculiarly in the edifice industry and the hotel concern. Consequent to that the impermanent immigrant population, has bit by bit turn into occupant, finally this causes the loss of cultural individuality, struggle over linguistic communication issues, and deficiency of societal integrating within local and immigrant population and bantam engagement in local societal life. Although Calvia is Spain s richest municipality and one of the richest in Europe, it has the lowest degree of instruction in Spain which itself the lowest in Europe ( Ayuntament de Calvia 1995 ) . Besides, bulk of employment are for servers and house cleansing agent which are deficiency of trained skilled professionals. Consequences of excessively many visitants Reason tourer choose Calvia as vacation finish The continuity of the Sun and sand theoretical account ( 2005, 222 ) , describes that the ground induces tourers to take the peculiar Sun and sand finish include the clime of 76.2 % , the beaches ( 51.2 % ) , the monetary value ( 36.4 % ) , and the quality of the hotels ( 22.2 % ) . Among all, clime is the cardinal ground followed by the beaches which induces tourers for taking such finish. As a consequence Calvia received a turning figure of visitants who travel to a mass touristry vacation finish attracted by the Sun, beaches and the clime. Calvia were seen as a theoretical account based on value, in footings of monetary value competition it has lure many visitants particularly from UK and German with it standardisation of the vacation experience ( CIITIB, 2002 ) . Social impact For the local point of position, visitants seem to use the physical environment from the local nevertheless the net income that generated from the visitants are non portion with the local community. Thus it create inauspicious impacts on supports and deficiency of benefit sharing with the local people who will bear touristry related costs to both the homo and natural environment. Finally conflicts arise between local populations with huge figure of visitants as they need to vie for limited usage of resources such as H2O, sanitation, energy and land utilizations. For tourers the position is frequently recapitulate with the statements such as this used to be a Eden but now it is ruined because of overcrowding, over commercialisation or overdevelopment. The mass touristry cohesiveness and the assortment of jobs experienced in Calvia have excessively frequently created blemish aboard beautiful natural scenery ; crowded with big Numberss of tourers as if they were many cowss ; ruined traditional civilizations and occupational forms by making a insidious touristry industry characterized by low paying service occupations and manipulative values ; and ignored the demands of local citizens and the community values that were inconsistent with matter-of-fact economic demands of the touristry industry. Environmental impact The risen Numberss of visitants and occupants have huge environmental force per unit area in Calvia . As mentioned in pantryman s life rhythm, Mallorca was in the period of stagnation in 1990s may put on the line by emerging environmental force per unit area peculiarly H2O deficits and climatic alteration. Inadequate H2O supply The issue of unequal H2O supply particularly during peak period and summer season, H2O supplies is exacerbated by visitants flows for usage in hotels, swimming pools and golf class. Harmonizing to the statistic documented in 1995, the H2O ingestion by visitants amounted of 160 litres per twenty-four hours whereby occupant is merely 130 litres. High demand in energy ingestion Annual ingestion of primary energy in Calvia sum to 72,000 TEP per twelvemonth of which merely 2 % is renewable. However, the ingestion per twenty-four hours was 6.47 kwh and visitants ingestion amounted to 2.14 kwh per dark stay in a hotel ( Dodds 2007 ) . Pollution by Conveyances The emanations of C dioxide equaled 1,400,000 tones which 58 % is due to transporting tourer in and out of Mallorca. In Calvia 1995 statistic,70 million journeys per twelvemonth where 50 million where from visitants which are a major cause of traffic congestion. Urban waste In 1995 Calvia produced 41000 tones of urban waste with about 1.25 kilograms per occupant / twenty-four hours nevertheless 1kg per visitants per twenty-four hours. Furthermore the options for disposal were limited. The production of effluent and solid waste in visitant countries frequently surpass the transporting capacity of local substructure due the high seasonal demand. Deterioration of the Land usage Building development in Calvia has been inordinate with aggregate business of flaxen beaches and of import enclaves along the bouldery coastline. With over 60 % of Calvia district was affected by dirt eroding. There was uninterrupted land business by urbanisation and development of new substructure harm caused by preies and waste mopess and desolation by forest fire. Harmonizing to an accounting of the distribution of the full country of Calvia made by Schmitt ( ) in 1991 the build-up-area has quadrupled in the old ages from 1968 to 1991 ( +311.6 % ) . However 57 % of archeological heritage were at high hazard of impairment. Overcrowded beach About 80 % of the analyzed instances show overcrowding despite an urban beach or natural beach. There is a strong seasonal concentration of visitants between June and September because of the demand for Sun and beaches. Subsequently this led to overcrowded beach with less than 6 mA? of beach surface per individual with increasing anthropogenetic force per unit area over the coastal zone ( Garcia and Jaume 2003, 287 ) . Solution Calvia is an illustration of a mass touristry finish which, from a consequence of touristry force per unit area in the late eightiess, faced important economic, societal and environmental diminution. As mentioned by Butler ( 1993 ) touristry is an activity because of its trust upon the care of natural environment and natural procedures, should impart itself toward sustainable development. In the instance of Calvia the lessening of touristry Numberss and Balearic Island as a whole goaded ordinances and attempts to travel towards turn toing the jobs of the debasement of the environment, impairment of societal systems and installations and the menace of farther touristry diminution. Definition of Planning and Policy The definition of planning is highly equivocal and hard to specify. Chadwick ( 1971, 24 ) provinces that planning is a procedure of human idea with an action based upon the thought in point of fact, premeditation, thought for the hereafter, nil more or less than this is be aftering . Meanwhile Hall ( 2008, 90 ) supported Chadwick s thoughts to reason that most of import facet of planning is that it is directed towards the hereafter . However, be aftering can non be accomplished without policy because it is closely related footings. Wilkinson ( 1997 ) linked planning and policy by saying planning is a class of action, whereas policy is the execution of the planned class of action. Planing and policy in the instance of Calvia Calvia Plan for tourer Excellent 1990 The program was developed in 1990 as to aim the menace of diminution. It comes along with the Balearic Autonomous community in cooperation with the municipalities as to overhaul, better and diversify the touristry. This program included edifice clearance to recover unfastened infinite, seek to compensate the seasonal nature of touristry and preparation and employment. However this program is chiefly focused on the industry supply side alternatively of sustainability of the finish and host community did non affect at all. As a consequence, it did non try to get the better of the turning issues that have arisen. Calvia Local Agenda 21 ( LA21 ) 1995 At the terminal of 1994, the Town council of Calvia , together with a scope of working groups, drew up the Local Agenda 21 for Calvia as a long term schemes integrated with economic, societal, territorial and environment actions. In explicating LA21 in 1995 and Action Plan in 1997, the Municipality of Calvia actively involved the support of local community, all the stakeholders, NGO every bit good as national and EU authoritiess. The cardinal aims for LA21 Calvia concentrating on come ining a new civilization based on sustainable and participatory urban and touristry planning ; stress environmental direction of the finish, expression for for understanding and consensus with societal representatives, control development and act for more stable employment in the country. ( Calvia Agenda Local 21, Mallorca, Spain 2004 ) . In 1998 New Balearic Law in Calvia was set out as to restrict adjustment growing, reconstruct bing hotels and to protect 40 % of natural countries. The aims of the LA21 comprises of 10 strategic lines of action and 40 enterprises. Cardinal consequences that have been achieved since the execution of Calvia s 1997 program The LA21 Action Plan which were set out in 1997 were seems to hold betterment in a general motion toward sustainability within the part and as Calvia is reasonably independent, it was able to follow and implement many enterprises without the demand for coaction from higher authorities. Among those cardinal consequences that have been achieved since the execution of the LA21 action program are stated below: Planing and Regeneration Zero addition in figure of hotels and flats every bit good as bead of 200 beds 1993-2002-about 30 edifice clearance program actions were carried out including existent edifice destruction and the purchase of urban secret plans to forestall farther building. Demolished edifices of the full surface country reaches more than 13,500mA? . Upgraded country in Magaluf A ; Palma Nova tourer country by making prosaic zones and seting tree as to better the overall quality of the country. 32 kilometer cycling and walking way was built in Paseo de Calvia Environmental instruments Tax on H2O for preservation and awareness runs advancing its usage and preservation established Recycling A ; urban waste decrease programs to guarantee 70 % of all urban waste is separated at beginning, easing A ; cut downing cost of recycling attempt, minimising land fill. Termination of sea dredging antecedently used to bring forth beaches and more environmentally friendly steps put in topographic point to minimise eroding New modulating for restricting ground tackle harm A ; harbor congestion caused by boats Constitution of Marine park A ; tellurian protected countries as to protect wildlife A ; ecosystems Economic instruments Enforce an eco-tax in 2002 by Balearic Government ; the financess were used to transport out Calvia council rehabilitation and regenerative undertakings. Voluntary instruments Renovation programmes for hotels, tourer adjustment and tourer installations established to upgrade quality and pull a higher output tourer Socio cultural instruments Programs to battle offense, lodging and other societal issues Multi-cultural and societal programmes such as dance, submerged picture taking and linguistic communication categories established to assist incorporate immigrants into Mallorquin civilization. Calvia has been recognized internationally for its attempts decision 2.0 The development of mass touristry in Calvia, Mallorca. 2.1 Definition of Mass Tourism Over the last decennaries, touristry has progressively playing a critical function as a beginning of economic sector despite for many developed and developing states. The touristry industry has given an chance to 1000000s ofpeople to go internationally, as travel and diversion are going more accessible to people, it is cognizable to be the universe taking economic sector during this decennary.

Monday, October 21, 2019

How to Sort Records in Delphi DBGrid by Column Title

How to Sort Records in Delphi DBGrid by Column Title Delphi DBGrid is such a powerful component that youre probably using it every day if youre developing data-aware applications. Below, well take a look at how to add some more features to your database applications that your users are sure to love. Following the concepts described in the Beginners Guide to Delphi Database Programming, the examples below use ADO components (AdoQuery/AdoTable connected to ADOConnection, DBGrid connected to AdoQuery over DataSource) to display the records from a database table in a DBGrid component. All the component names were left as Delphi named them when dropped on the form (DBGrid1, ADOQuery1, AdoTable1, etc.). Mouse Moves Over DBGrid Title Area First, lets see how to change the mouse pointer while it moves over the DBGrid title area. All you have to do is add the code to the OnMouseMove event for the DBGrid component. The code below simply uses the MouseCoord property of the DBGrid component to calculate where the mouse pointer is. If its over the DGBrid title area, the pt.y equals 0, which is the first row in the DBGrid (the title area displaying column/field titles). procedure TForm1.DBGrid1MouseMove (Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);var pt: TGridcoord;begin pt: DBGrid1.MouseCoord(x, y); if pt.y0 then DBGrid1.Cursor:crHandPoint else DBGrid1.Cursor:crDefault;end; Sort on Column Click and Change the Column Title Font If youre using the ADO approach to Delphi database development, and want to sort the records in the dataset, you need to set the Sort property of your AdoDataset (ADOQuery, AdoTable). The Sort property is the widestring value indicating the ORDER BY part of the standard SQL query. Of course, you do not need to write the SQL query to be able to use the Sort property. Simply set the Sort property to the name of a single field or to a comma-separated list of fields, each following the sort order. Heres an example: ADOTable1.Sort : Year DESC, ArticleDate ASC The OnTitleClick event of the DBGrid component has a Column parameter indicating the Column the user has clicked on. Each Column (object of type TColumn) has a Field property indicating the Field (TField) represented by the Column, and the Field in its FieldName property holds the name of the field in the underlying dataset. Therefore, to sort an ADO dataset by field/column, a simple line can be used: with TCustomADODataSet(DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet) doSort : Column.Field.FieldName; // ASC or DESC Below is the code for the OnTitleClick even handler that sorts the records by column click. The code, as always, extends the idea. First, we want to, in some way, mark the column thats currently used for sort order. Next, if we click on a column title and the dataset is already sorted by that column, we want to change the sort order from ASC (ascending) to DESC (descending), and vice versa. Finally, when we sort the dataset by another column, we want to remove the mark from the previously selected column. For the sake of simplicity, to mark the column that sorts the records, well simply change the font style of the column title to Bold, and remove it when dataset is sorted using another column. procedure TForm1.DBGrid1TitleClick(Column: TColumn);{$J}const PreviousColumnIndex : integer -1;{$J-}beginif DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet is TCustomADODataSet thenwith TCustomADODataSet(DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet) dobegintry DBGrid1.Columns[PreviousColumnIndex].title.Font.Style : DBGrid1.Columns[PreviousColumnIndex].title.Font.Style - [fsBold]; exceptend; Column.title.Font.Style : Column.title.Font.Style [fsBold]; PreviousColumnIndex : Column.Index; if (Pos(Column.Field.FieldName, Sort) 1) and (Pos( DESC, Sort) 0) then Sort : Column.Field.FieldName DESC else Sort : Column.Field.FieldName ASC; end;end; The above code uses typed constants to preserve the value of the previously selected column for sort order.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The More You Tell, The More You Sell

The More You Tell, The More You Sell The More You Tell, The More You Sell The More You Tell, The More You Sell By Michael Most writers dont need encouragement to write more words. After all, thats how some of them get paid: by the word! Using the words you need and no more writing concisely is a skill that every writer spends a lifetime learning. Mark Twain once said, â€Å"I didnt have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.† But the main problem of many writers, especially reluctant writers and business owners, is not that they say more than they need, but rather, that they say less than they need. Writers can be too lazy to edit and trim their work, but they can also be too lazy to think enough about their subject to cover it adequately. The direct mail copywriters of old had a saying, The more you tell, the more you sell. It was a bold statement. Other copywriters argued that people dont want to read long copy, would stop reading before they got to the end of the sales letter, the advertiser would lose sales. Thats a valid objection, to which the proper response is, Then ask for the sale before they get to the end! Theres nothing wrong with giving the customer more than one chance to buy. Besides, none of us reads more than we want to, except for students and acquisitions editors. We all read until we lose interest, or we skip ahead, go back, or jump to the end. We keep reading as long as we feel theres something in it for us. And thats where, as a copywriter, you win more when you tell more. The more reasons you give the customers to buy, the more likely they will buy. Once theyre convinced, they will stop reading anyway and start ordering. Or they might go back later and read the rest to reassure themselves they made the right choice. Reassurance is an important purpose of marketing communications too. Start your writing process by listing all the reasons someone should buy your product or service. Get a friend or a customer to tell you if you dont know. Dont be lazy. If a reason is compelling, dont leave it out if you have space. On your website, you have unlimited space to tell your story. List your most attractive benefits and let your readers decide which ones are most attractive to them. True, you dont want your marketing piece to appear too long to read. You have to format your writing so people can read only what they want. In sales literature, you might use bold text and headings so your readers know where to skip to. When writing for the Web, its especially easy add links to other pages. Your benefits dont all need to be on the same page, as long as customers can find them when they need them. Your potential customers will follow the links that interest them, and will ignore the ones that dont. Certainly, start off short and sweet for those who dont want to read much. But dont stop until youve told the whole story to those who insist on hearing it all. Comparison shoppers, such as myself, actually look for longer text. We tend to believe that the product that mentions the most benefits probably has the most benefits. If the copywriter neglected to mention that it has a five-year warranty, how are we supposed to know that it does? Customers buy for many reasons. Some are convinced by one point, others are convinced by another. But if you leave out their favorite point, thats one point that wont help make the sale. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Useful Stock Phrases for Your Business EmailsWhat is the Difference Between Metaphor and Simile?How Long Should a Synopsis Be?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 52

Assignment Example Personally being in that category, I seek a wide variety of commodities being sold in the market. This ensures that my various needs are satisfied. On the same note, a wide range of commodities enable my relevance to the dynamic fashion, technology and modernity. Experiencers endeavors to remain relevant and up-to-date even with the current dynamics of living styles (Michael 347). On several occasions, I have spent high percentages of my income on entertainment, fashion and socializing. We always consider looking fabulous a priority, and personally I put emphasis on looking good. Entertainment also takes a center stage in our lives. I use entertainment as a way of relaxing. Being young and energetic, we find ourselves inclined to regular sporting, exercises and social activities. A company that sets its goals in providing relevant and fashionable products is bond to succeed in the market. Therefore, VLA provides an accurate prediction of my psychological. Strivers are defined as the over-achievers brought up in the middle or working class. They are well known for their hardworking nature. Michael (263) argues that, strivers are motivated by the achieved they get as the result of their work input. As the strivers, we welcome the opinions and ideas of others. We also concerned about the approval and opinions of others. Financial status defines our success. We are consumers of low resources. Normally, we never have enough to meet all our desires. We have fewer social, economic and psychological resources within our reach. Personally, I have a penchant for stylish products that are mostly associated with people with massive wealth. Many are the times I buy purchases products out of emulation of the people I admire in the society. I consider shopping as a regular social activity. We are active consumers in the market set up. We view doing shopping as an opportunity to demonstrate our purchasing ability to our peers. The strivers are mainly reluctant in taking

Friday, October 18, 2019

POLICE SCIENCE, 2 page Criteak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

POLICE SCIENCE, 2 page Criteak - Essay Example For example in the issue of child brides where the majority of which are seen in India, studies show that women in these countries are wed or engaged as children as part of their custom and traditions. Because it is a local custom, this abuse is seen not only among women children but even among males who are married before the age of ten. Even if there were missing data from some countries, the report was able to show the current issues faced by children and women in terms of violence and abuse. These countries that had no data provided such as China which has the largest population in the world and have a one-child policy may have declined giving data. There is also a recommendation to improve the gathering of data in these countries in order to strengthen the cases of reported abuse among children in these regions. Poverty was also targeted as the cause for the majority of children not being registered at birth in South Asia. This non-registration according to the report makes these children ineligible for basic rights such as voting, going to school or getting passports.

OSHA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

OSHA - Assignment Example An article by Bender Thomas, which talks about on workers deaths in confined spaces, was identified, an investigation that was carried as part of Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation program. According to the author of an investigation where a worker died after entering a toluene storage tank and then on a rescue attempt a fireman also ended up being killed when the tank exploded (Bender 37). According to the author owner of a petroleum bulk storage tank, found out that his toluene storage tank was contaminated, and therefore he wanted to clean it and therefore it will have to be drained and cleaned. However, he found out that the tank’s only access was located at the top and since the tank was cylindrical it was not easy to clean it. Therefore, the owner decided to install the portal at the bottom. In connection to this, he consulted a contractor who gave him the cost estimates of installing the access portal at the bottom of the tank. The contractor after carrying out his assessment told the owner of the tank that it has to be drained, and all the sludge removed before he puts the access portal. The owner of the tank, therefore, directed his supervisor to get the tank ready for the contractor. On that fateful day, the supervisor and unskilled worker decided to get the job done. Therefore, the supervisor decided to rent self –contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). However, because the opening was small and since a ladder could not be used the supervisor decided to use a rope. In addition, because the opening was so small it was decided that the worker get in with the SCBA loosely tied on his head. After a while, the supervisor saw the worker standing at the bottom of the tank, and then he directed him to get out, however, and there was no response. He then informed the facility manager who was just standing nearby. After that, a fire rescue team was called. The firemen

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cognitive approach over Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cognitive approach over Psychology - Essay Example Man's continuous urge to understand humanity had led the development of various fundamentals in psychology. With their apparently significant contributions, these recent approaches, particularly neuroscience had somehow managed to make its impact. However their imperfections and bit immaturity have made each emerging, as well as the established approach somehow insufficient. With this, it would be best to for these approaches to collaborate to come up with a complete understanding of the human psychology. In fact, upon an extensive and meticulous observation, one would find a clear point on each of these proven approaches that would link them to each other. This could serve as an explanation, if in the future disciplines such as neuropsychology would standout having been able to convince us with its view by means of intertwining two or more of these fundamentals. 3. ... ntiers, it would be substantial to say that behaviorism, psychoanalysis and cognitive psychology clearly depicts great consideration to individual differences while evolutionary psychology derives its explanations from general facts. It could ease the subject if universal explanation would serve as a constant and the individual difference as the variable. For example, humans in general have inherited mental capacities for acquiring speech, however, the individual upbringing and education dictates his/her way of speaking. In this example, with smooth and careful transition between evolutionary and cognitive approach, a considerably convincing thought had be derived. In the end, it would be best to take both universal explanations and individual difference into consideration; nevertheless, neither of the two would suffice. 5. From the point of view of your own intellectual development, what are the three most important things you have learned in this course Explain why they are important for you. With such enlightening course, one can derive tons of thoughts to ponder. First, we, humans are so gifted with the ability to think and rationalized that we are able to come up with explanations about almost everything. Unluckily this ability had somehow created addiction to wisdom and had lead to the materialization of several conflicting disciplines. Second is that each of these approach have manage to convince a multitude as well as give rise to their critics. Despite of their great significance, due to their inevitable flaws, no single approach can stand to serve as a perfect and adequate explanation like any other fundamentals inevitable flaws have their share of critics. Lastly, the noble gift of intellect must be utilized, at that; things should be viewed in a liberal

The influence of Roman law on the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The influence of Roman law on the US - Essay Example highest level of diversity such as Louisiana and Ceylon, Quebec and Japan, Ethiopia and South Africa, Turkey and Chile, is based firmly on Roman law. In England and the countries of Anglo-American law in general, even though it does not form the main base, but its influence is quite significant (Hamilton Bryson, 1984). Moreover, Roman law has influenced the development of law in most of Western civilization including USA by dealing with matters of succession (or inheritance), obligations (including contracts), property (including slaves), and persons. Most of the Roman laws have evolved by the rulings of the patrician families, and rulings of magistrates. Later emperors bypassed these forms and issued their own decrees (Jo Ann Shelton, 1988). The interpretations of jurists also came to have the weight of law. Though various attempts were made to gather and simplify existing laws by far the most successful effort was that of Justinian I, whose code superseded all previous laws and formed the Roman Empires legal legacy. Roman legal procedure is the basis for modern procedure in civil-law countries like United States of America (Alan Watson, 1972). After the mid-6th cent., Roman law formed the base of a part of the Germanic laws and was in effect in the Byzantine Empire. Revival of classical studies paved the way for the partial resurrection of Roman law as the modern civil law in a large part of the world. Its effect was also felt in USA which mainly follows common law. For example, the jus gentium is the most widely represented in modern legal systems, for it is the basis of commercial law even in those countries including United States that follow common law. Interestingly, the definition of civil law in USA implies that it has its roots in Roman law. Civil law is defined as the law of ancient Rome as embodied in the Justinian code, especially that which applied to private citizens (John Brierly, 1985). As used within the American legal system, â€Å"civil law†

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cognitive approach over Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cognitive approach over Psychology - Essay Example Man's continuous urge to understand humanity had led the development of various fundamentals in psychology. With their apparently significant contributions, these recent approaches, particularly neuroscience had somehow managed to make its impact. However their imperfections and bit immaturity have made each emerging, as well as the established approach somehow insufficient. With this, it would be best to for these approaches to collaborate to come up with a complete understanding of the human psychology. In fact, upon an extensive and meticulous observation, one would find a clear point on each of these proven approaches that would link them to each other. This could serve as an explanation, if in the future disciplines such as neuropsychology would standout having been able to convince us with its view by means of intertwining two or more of these fundamentals. 3. ... ntiers, it would be substantial to say that behaviorism, psychoanalysis and cognitive psychology clearly depicts great consideration to individual differences while evolutionary psychology derives its explanations from general facts. It could ease the subject if universal explanation would serve as a constant and the individual difference as the variable. For example, humans in general have inherited mental capacities for acquiring speech, however, the individual upbringing and education dictates his/her way of speaking. In this example, with smooth and careful transition between evolutionary and cognitive approach, a considerably convincing thought had be derived. In the end, it would be best to take both universal explanations and individual difference into consideration; nevertheless, neither of the two would suffice. 5. From the point of view of your own intellectual development, what are the three most important things you have learned in this course Explain why they are important for you. With such enlightening course, one can derive tons of thoughts to ponder. First, we, humans are so gifted with the ability to think and rationalized that we are able to come up with explanations about almost everything. Unluckily this ability had somehow created addiction to wisdom and had lead to the materialization of several conflicting disciplines. Second is that each of these approach have manage to convince a multitude as well as give rise to their critics. Despite of their great significance, due to their inevitable flaws, no single approach can stand to serve as a perfect and adequate explanation like any other fundamentals inevitable flaws have their share of critics. Lastly, the noble gift of intellect must be utilized, at that; things should be viewed in a liberal

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Brand management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Brand management - Essay Example At the present, the handheld market does not even have one of the main competitors, Microsoft, as anything more than a blip on the radar (Dalrymple, 2010). Prior to the release of the IPhone and IPod Touch, the market share had the DS beating out the Playstation Portable by several times the number of units sold (Wilson, 2007). More recently, the score has shifted thusly: The DS has 40 million units worldwide and the PSP 25 million (Wilson, 2007). The IPhone hasn't broken extensively out of the European and American markets, while the DS has the advantage of being found all over the globe (Stang et al, 2007; Wilcox, 2009). The iPhone has been basically marketed exclusively at the US, instead of emerging market like Russia and India, despite Apple's ballyhoo: â€Å"Emerging markets and Apple's flawed strategy in India and Russia top my reasons for questioning how high the platform will ascend before falling back to earth...The 70+ countries is something that looks good on paper, but in terms of volume it doesn't address the regional dynamics. One of the reasons why Nokia and Samsung are so good in developing markets is because they have mastered the art of effective manufacturing and distribution. They can make devices/services that suit the market† (Wilcox, 2009). Thus, though hard global data is difficult to find, it's clear that the global distribution is more like 2008 than 2010 above, with the IPhone being the third player. The takeaway story from the handheld market is this: Nintendo leads the most lucrative market by anywhere from close to a two-to-one to a three-to-one ratio against its competitors. Apple is moving up, but will likely not overtake the behemoth. Apple took 9% of its near market share from the PSP and 5% from the DS, meaning that the fight can be more meaningfully described as a battle for second place. Sony is also announcing a new second-generation PSP (Brown, 2011). The new Nintendo 3DS has many titles in the Japanese top ten, sh owing good penetration (Jenkins, 2011). This seems to suggest that Apple will have a brutal fight for second place, dealing with a new PSP challenger, while neither will be able to challenge Nintendo's entrenched advantage stemming from being the only handheld challenger to stay in the game from the Game Boy to the GBA to the SP to the DS. Also note that, in the handheld market, it is proper to include any other cell phone, which typically have games like Bejeweled or Tetris available for them, with the cell-phone gaming industry being an oft-ignored but serious source of gaming hours. In any respect, it is important when analyzing the success of the major three consoles to bear some lessons in mind: 1. Nintendo's success with the Wii is complimented as a â€Å"one-two punch† with the DS (Wilson, 2007). The DS has sold more than the three non-portable consoles combined. 2. Sony is being beaten by a large margin in the handheld market. Even if they were to do substantially bet ter near the end of this generation's life in their Playstation 3 offerings, such as with the announcement of the Move, they would still be behind in a major arena. 3. Microsoft is not even a competitor in the handheld m

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Lost City of Nan Madol Essay Example for Free

The Lost City of Nan Madol Essay Legends of lost cities like Atlantis and El Dorado have always fascinated mankind throughout the centuries, because of their mystery. But off the coast of Micronesia lies a real mysterious city called Nan Madol. Nan Madol is a ruined city that lies off the eastern shore of the island of Pohnpei that was the capital of the Saudeleur dynasty until about 1628. It is in the present day Madolenihmw district of Pohnpei state, in the Federated States of Micronesia, my home land, in the western Pacific Ocean. The city consists of a series of small artificial islands linked by a network of canals. I did not know much about Nan Madol so I had to ask the one person I knew would really help me. That person was my grandfather, Bethwel Henry. I had to ask how the people back did then come up with the name Nan Madol. He said that Nan Madol means â€Å"spaces between† and is a reference of the canals that crisscross the ruins. It is often called The Venus of the Pacific†. â€Å"According to Pohnpeian legend† he said, â€Å"Nan Madol was constructed by twin sorcerers Olisihpa and Olosohpa†. The brothers arrived in a large canoe seeking a place to build an altar so that they could worship Nahnisohn Sahpw, the god of agriculture. After several false starts, the two brothers successfully built an altar at off Temwen Island, where they performed their rituals. In legend, these brothers levitated the huge stones with the aid of a flying dragon. When Olisihpa died of old age, Olosohpa became the first Saudeleur (ruler) of Nan Madol. Olosohpa married a local woman and sired twelve generations, producing sixteen other Saudeleur rulers. The founders of the dynasty ruled kindly, though their successors placed ever increasing demands on their subjects. Their reign ended with the invasion by Isokelekel, who also resided at Nan Madol, though his successors abandoned the site. On Nan Madol there is no fresh water or food; water must be collected and food grown inland. During Saudeleur rule, Pohnpeians brought essential food and water by boat. The Saudeleur received food at a particular islet. Around 1628, when Isokelekel overthrew the Saudeleurs and began the Nahnmwarki (King) Era, the Nahnmwarkis lived at Nan Madol, but had to gather their own water and grow their own food. This is thought to have caused them eventually to abandon Nan Madol and move back to their own districts. Before the outbreak of World War II, the Japanese administered the strange island. The Japanese investigated a Nan Madol legend that referred to corpse resting in the â€Å"House of Dead† , and allegedly their divers discovered an underwater structure containing elaborate watertight coffins made of pure platinum. Records indicating that how much of the platinum may have been removed by the Japanese, or if any platinum watertight coffins still exist, has been either hidden away or destroyed by the Japanese. Archeologists have uncovered human bones that belonged to people considerably larger than the Pohnpeians who lived today. Today Nan Madol forms an archaeological district covering more than 18 square kilometers and includes the stone architecture built up on a coral reef flat along the shore of Temwen Island, several other artificial islets, and the adjacent Pohnpei main island coastline. The site core with its stone walls encloses an area approximately 1. 5 km long by 0. 5 km wide and it contains nearly 100 artificial islets bordered by tidal canals. Carbon dating indicates that the construction of Nan Madol began around 1200 CE, while archaeological site show that the area may have been occupied as early as 200 BCE. Some probable diggings sites around the island have been identified, but the exact origin of the stones of Nan Madol is yet undetermined. None of the proposed diggings sites exist in Madolenihmw, meaning that the stones must have been transported to their current location. It has been suggested that they might have been floated through raft from the diggings, and a short dive between the island and the diggings shows a trail of dropped stones. However, no one has successfully demonstrated or explained the process. Some modern Pohnpeians believe the stones were flown to the island by use of black magic. In 1985 the ruins of Nan Madol were declared a National Historical Landmark. Currently, a greater effort is being made to preserve them. A lot of people from other countries travel to Micronesia to see the ruins and said that a trip to the ruins is an unforgettable thing you can do in Micronesia.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Bioinformatics Analysis of DGAT1 Gene in Domestic Ruminnants

Bioinformatics Analysis of DGAT1 Gene in Domestic Ruminnants SIROUS EIDIVANDI Abstract Diacylglycerol-O-acyltransferase (DGAT1) gene encodes diacylglyceroltransferase enzyme that playsan important role in glycerol lipid metabolism. DGAT1 is considered to be the key enzyme in controlling the synthesis of triglycerides in adipocytes. This enzyme catalyzes the final step of triglyceride synthesis (transform triacylglycerol (DAG) into triacylglycerol (TAG). A total of 20 DGAT1 (8,9 Exones) gene sequences belonging to 5 species include cattle (Bos Taurus and BosIndicus), Goats, Sheep and Buffalo were analyzed, and the differentiation within and among the species was also studied. The length of the Exone 8 and Exone 9 respectively were 75bp and 64bp (total: 139bp). Observed genetic diversity was higher among species than within species, and Bos Taurus had more polymorphisms than any other species. Novel amino acid variation sites were detected within several species which might be used to illustrate the functional variation. Differentiation of the DGAT1 gene was obvious among species, and the clustering result was consistent with the taxonomy in the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Keywords: DGAT1gene, Bioinformatic, Ruminnants Introduction Bioinformatics has become an important part of many areas of biology. In experimental molecular biology, bioinformatics techniques such as image and  signal processing  allow extraction of useful results from large amounts of raw data. In the field of genetics and genomics, it aids in sequencing and annotating genomes and therefore we can observe polymorphic sites, Gene Expressions,Similarities and differences between and within gene sequences in the varies Species and etc. on the other hands gene mapping research has led to the discovery of many polymorphic sites throughout the Ruminants genome that can serve as genetic markers for selection in breeding schemes (Jing-Fen al., 2008). Diacylglycerolacyltransferases (DGATs) are involved in the process of catalyzation of the final step of the triacylglycerol (TAG) biosynthesis (Hatzopoulos et al., 2011). This enzyme has been found to be encoded by two genes (DGAT1 and DGAT2 ), of which the most studied and important one reavealed to be DGAT1 . This gene is responsible for the codification of the protein related to DGATs activity (Cases et al., 2001). In bovine, this gene is located on the centromeric end of the bovine chromosome 14 (BTA14), harboring the QTL with a large impact on milk production traits (Grisart et al.,2002; Winter et al., 2002). DGAT1is a microsomal enzyme catalyzing the addition of fatty acyl Co A to 1, 2, diacylglycerol to yield CoA plus triglycerol and is important in lipogenesis in many tissues, including mammary gland (Kuhnet al.1998). DGAT1 gene is considered to be a very strong positional candidate gene for fat percent of milk. Kaupeet al., 2004 reported the frequency of this substitution in various cattle breeds and grouped them from very low frequency to fixation inBosindicuscattle breeds. DGAT1 gene is considered to be a very strong positional candidate gene for fat percent of milk. Kaupeet al. [2004] studied Polymorphism of this gene in Bostaurus and Bosindicus breeds. They claimed that K allele of DGAT1 gene is a wild type and the A allele substitution probably occurred after the divergence of Bostaurus and Bosindicus (Kaupeet al., 2004). Recently, many studies showed a significant association between polymorphism of this gene and milk production traits (Grisartet al., 2002; Kharrati Koopaeiet al., 2012; Ripoli MV et al., 2006). There is a general consensus in the literature that the alanine to lysine amino acid change (K232A) in exon 8 of the DGAT1 gene is associated with reduced milk production (Spelman et al ., 2002; Thaller et al ., 2003a; Banos et al., 2008), Materials and Methods A total of 20 sequences with Exons of the DGAT 1 gene and the amino acid sequences belonging to 5 species were obtained from GenBank (Table 1). All the sequences were aligned using the Clustal Omega program implemented in EMBL-EBI service. DnaSP (version 5.1) software was used to analyze the haplotype diversity (Hd), the average number of nucleotide differences (Tajima 1983), the  nucleotide diversity (p), synonymous nucleotide diversity (ps), nonsynonymousnucleotide diversity (pa) with the Jukes and Cantor correction, the polymorphic site(S), the singleton variable sites (SP), and the parsimony informative sites (PIP) for each species, and the average number of nucleotide substitutions per site between species (Dxy) (Lynch and Crease, 1990). The phylogenetic tree among 5 species based on the D xy was constructed using the unweight pair group method with the arithmetic mean (UPGMA) implemented in Mega 6 software. Table 1: DGAT1 gene, Exons 8 and 9 sequences of 5 species Results and Discussion DGAT1 gene, Exon 8, The Exon sequence of 8 has 75bp in domestic ruminants. We used 6,4,4,4 and 2 sequences of the exon respectively in BosTaurus, Bosindicus, Bubalusbubalis, Ovisaries and Capra hircus(table 1). DnaSP (version 5.1) software was used to analysis of them. The haplotype diversity (Hd) within the sequences of sheep, goat and buffalo was 0, because there wasn’t any polymorphism in these sequences. The haplotype diversity (Hd) within the sequences of bostaurus and bosindicus were shown respectively, 0.733 and 0.5 with 3 and 2 polymorphic sites. DGAT1 gene, Exon 9, The Exon sequence of 9 has 64bp in domestic ruminants.The haplotype diversity (Hd) within the sequences of goatbostaurus and bosindicus was 0 but the haplotype diversity (Hd) within the sequences of sheep and Buffalo was 0.5 with 2 polymorphic sites. Polymorphism and Genetic Diversity among Species The alignment of 20 sequences of 8 and 9 exons within the region of 139bp and containing gapswas carried out using BioEdit. The results of DnaSP analysis indicated that theselected region (1–140) of the 20 sequences from different species have 139sites, excluding sites with gaps (2). There are 134 invariable (monomorphic) sites and 4 variable (polymorphic) sites that include 3 singleton variable sites and 1 parsimonyinformative sites.The nucleotide diversity (p = 0.00885) and the average number  of nucleotide differences ( K = 1.221) for all sequences are lower than the highest values in bostaurus (p = 0.01014 ,K = 1.4). The polymorphic information and haplotype diversity of the DGAT1 gene (8 and 9Exons) for each species are listed in Table 2. Table 2: Genetic diversity of the DGAT1gene(8 and 9Exons) in 5 species h, Number of haplotypes; H d, haplotype diversity; K, average number of nucleotide differences; Ï€, Nucleotide diversityÏ€s, synonymous nucleotide diversity; Ï€a, nonsynonymous nucleotide diversity; S, Number of polymorphic sites; SP, singleton variable sites; PIP, parsimony informative sites. The most variable sites (3), singleton variable sites (2), and average number of nucleotide differences (1.4) were found in bostaurus, whichshowed that bostaurus had the highest genetic diversity. Usually, more genetic diversity is most useful for natural selection. The higher genetic diversity of the DGAT1 gene in bostaurus might be related to its extensive adaptability and survival for a polyembryonic animal (Jing-Fen al., 2008). Amino Acid Variation and Genetic Effects Higher polymorphism was observed among species than within species, after the 20complete amino acid sequences were aligned using the Clustal Omega program implemented in BioEdit software. The stop codons in thesequences of the exon 8, 9in Ovisaries, Capra hircus, bosindicus and Bubalus bubalisare onlyUGA but in bos Taurus there are UGA and UAA.Also the exons of bos Taurus had CAC that code histidine and this codone was shown in the other species. The differences between Bos Taurus and the other species in this study maybe related to difference effects of the DGAT 1 gene one the milk production traits. There is a general consensus in the literature that the alanine to lysine amino acid change (K232A) in exon 8 of the DGAT1 gene is associated with reduced milk production (Spelman et al, 2002; Thaller et al, 2003a; Banos et al, 2008), DNA Divergence and Clustering Analysis The average number of nucleotide substitutions per site (Dxy) of the DGAT1 gene between species is shown in Table3. Dxyis the index of DNA divergence between or among the sequences. The larger D xy has the smaller the genetic distance. Based on Dxy, a phylogenetic tree was constructed for all the species using the UPGMA method (Fig.1). The divergence time among different species was also labeled on the scale bar calculated from the average nonsynonymous nucleotide rate(0.85 9 10 – 9per year, Li and Dan1991). The dendrogram of different species based on the differentiation of the DGAT1gene agreed with the taxonomy of NCBI. The smallest D xy(0.0000) and divergence showed the closest relationship between Sheep and Goat, which basically accords with that of Yang and Yoder ( 2003) and Wildman et al. (2003). The largest D xy(0.0146) and divergence time displayed the earliest differentiation between BosTaurus and Buffalo, Sheep and Goat, with the average value of 0.0087 for all speci es(Table 3, Fig1). Table 3: Average nucleotide substitution per site(Dxy) Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree of the DGAT1(8,9 Exone)gene among 5 species References Banos, G., Woolliams, J.A., Woodward, B.W., Forbes,A.B. and Coffey, M.P. (2008) Impact of singlenucleotide polymorphisms in Leptin, LeptinReceptor, Growth Hormone Receptor, andDiacylglycerolAcyltransferase (DGAT1) geneloci on milk production, feed, and body energytraits of UK dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science91: 3190–3200. Cases S, Smith SJ, Zheng YW, Myers HM, Lear SR, Sande E, Novak S, Collins C, Welch CB, Lusis AJ,et al.(1998) Identification of a gene encoding an acyl CoA:diacylglycerolacyltransferase, a key enzyme in triacylglycerol synthesis. ProcNatlAcadSci USA 95:13018-13023 Cases S, Stone SJ, Zhou P, Yen E, Tow B, Lardizabal KD, Voelker T, Farese RV (2001). Cloning of DGAT2, a second mammalian diacylglycerolacyltransferase and related family members. Journal of Biological Chemistry 276:38870–38876. Grisart B, Coppieters W, Farnir F, Karim L, Ford C, Berzi P, Cambisano N, Mni M, Reid S, Simon P, Spelman R, Georges M, Snell R. .( 2002) Positional candidate cloning of a QTL in dairy cattle: Identification of a missense mutation in the bovine DGAT1 gene with major effect on milk yield and composition.Genome Research.12, 222-231. Grisart B, Farnir F, Karim L, Cambisano N, Kim J, Kvasz A, Mni M, Simori P, Frere J, Coppieters W,et al.(2004) Genetic and functional confirmation of the causality of the DGAT1 K232A quantitative trait nucleotide in affecting milk yield and composition. ProcNatlAcadSci USA 101:2308-2403 Jing-Fen K., Xiang-Long L., Rong-Yan Z., Lan-Hui L., Fu-Jun F. and Xiu-Li G.(2008)Bioinformatics Analysis of Lactoferrin Gene for SeveralSpecies.Biochem Genet 46:312–322 Kaupe B, Winter A, Fries R and Erhardt G (2004) DGAT1 polymorphism inBosIndicusandBostauruscattle breeds. J Dairy Res 71:182-187. KharratiKoopaei H, Mohammad Abadi MR, Ansari Mahyari S, EsmailizadehKoshkoiyeh A,Tarang AR, Potki P. (2012) Effect of DGAT1 variants on milk composition traits in Iranian Holstein cattlepopulation. Animal Science Papers and Reports. 3, 231-239. Kuhn CH, Thaller G, Winter A, Bininda-Emonds O, Kaupe B, Erhardt G, Bennewitz J, Schwerin M and Fries R (2004) Evidence for multiple alleles at the DGAT1 locus better explains a quantitative trait locus with major effect on milk fat content in cattle. Genetics 167:1873-1881. Ripoli MV, Corva P, Giovambattita G. (2006) Analysis of a polymorphism in the DGAT1 gene in 14 cattlebreeds through PCR-SSCP methods. Research Veterinary Science. 80, 287-290 Smith SJ, Cases S, Jensen DR, Chen HC, Sande E, Tow B, Sanan DA, Raber J, Eckel RH and FareseJr RV (2000) Obesity resistance and multiple mechanisms of triglyceride synthesis in mice lacking Dgat. Nat Genet 25:87-90. Spelman RJ, Ford CA, McElhinney P, Gregory GC and Snell RG (2002) Characterization of the DGAT1 gene in the New Zealand dairy population. J Dairy Sci 85:3514-3517. Tajima F (1983) Evolutionary relationship of DNA sequences in finite populations. Genetics 105:  437–460 Thaller G, Kuhn C, Winter A, Ewlad G, Bellmann O, Wegner J, Zuhlke H and Fries R (2003) DGAT1, a new positional and functional candidate gene for intramuscular fat deposition in cattle. Anim Genet 34:354-357. Winter A, Kramer W, Werner F, Kollers S, Kata S, Durstewitz G, Buitkamp J, Womack W, Thaller G and Fries R (2002) Association of a lysine-232/alanine polymorphism in a bovine gene encoding acyl-CoA:diacylglycerolacyltransferase (DGAT1) with variation at a quantitative trait locus for milk fat content. ProcNatlAcadSci USA 99:9300-9305.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Analysis of Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s Epic Poem Ulysses Essay -- Epic Poe

Alfred, Lord Tennyson’s epic poem "Ulysses" is composed as a dramatic monologue, consisting of four stanzas each of which frankly discuss the speakers current situation and yearning for adventure. The use of iambic pentameter provides a sense of fluidity to the speaker’s voice. The speaker reveals himself to be the protagonist of the poem with the opening line â€Å"It little profits that an idle king† (1). The use of the word â€Å"idle† offers the first clue as to one of the main themes of the poem. Tennyson much like the protagonist of his poem feels the need to move on, in life. The period in which the poem was wrote, many sociable changes where occurring in Victorian England, the effects of the industrial revolution where being felt far and wide and there was, the idea that society needed to work together in order to establish conformity. Ulysses is feeling emotionally empty throughout the poem, without his mariner friends and adventures similar to times gone by, a similar situation that Tennyson had found himself in. â€Å"Ulysses† was written after the death of his close friend, soul mate and confidante Arthur Henry Hallam. This was one of many poems composed by Tennyson, upon Hallam’s death the most notable being â€Å"Memorandum† (1833-1850). Tennyson himself commented how the series of poems were a direct comparison to how he felt after the loss of his dear friend. The poem was published in the book Poems by Alfred Tennyson (1842). Mythological characters appear to play an important role within Tennyson’s poetry, from English folk law characters such as King Arthur that featured in â€Å"Morte D’Arthur and other Idyllis† to the Greek mariner and adventurer Ulysses. The character of Ulysses has featured in many great epic poems, ... ...hesterton. Tennyson. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1906. PDF. Gray, Erik. "Tennyson’s Rapture: Transformation in the Victorian Dramatic Monologue." Victorian Studies 50.3 (2008): 541-42. Project MUSE. Web. 21 Feb. 2015. . Nohrnberg, James. "Eight Reflections of Tennyson’s â€Å"Ulysses†." Victorian Poetry 47.1 (2009): 101-50. Project MUSE. Web. 21 Feb. 2015. . Robbins, Tony. "Tennyson's "Ulysses": The Significance of the Homeric and Dantesque Backgrounds." Victorian Poetry Autumn 11.3 (1979): 177-93. JSTOR. Web. 21 Feb. 2015. . Skidmore, Joel. "The Odyssey - Background - Detailed Version." Greek Mythology. 1997. Web. 20 Feb. 2015. .

Friday, October 11, 2019

Marketing Peter Pan Peanut Butter to Canadian Markets Essay

Many U.S. consumers are not aware that there are many products that are sold in our country but are not available to countries like China or Japan. A lot of products are only for sale in the U.S. and consumers in other countries have to find other ways of obtaining those products. Some products that use to be sold in Canada have now vanished while others have never been available for purchase so many consumers have to order those products online, if possible, or possibly get some family member or friend from the U.S. to buy and ship the product to them. Some Canadians are now surprised to learn that Coca-Cola Vanilla, or Vanilla Coke, is no longer available to purchase in the supermarkets and convenience stores located in Canada. Consumers on both sides of the border and other countries responded well to these products that were launched in 2002 by the Coca Cola Company. Canadians that now want this product will have to stock up the next time they visit the U.S. Meanwhile they may be able to look forward to other products that may reach Canadian markets. As Marketing Manager of ConAgra Food’s, Peter Pan Peanut Butter, I would like to market this brand available to Canadian markets by using a marketing plan that is the core of the business. The main reason for the marketing plan is that it provides a structured approach that forces the marketing manager to consider all the relevant elements of the planning process which might be missed if a more rushed approach is adopted especially when trying to market a product to foreign markets. Peter Pan Peanut Butter is brand of ConAgra Foods and was named after the J.M. Barrie character debuted in 1928. The brand was originally produced by the Swift & Company that at the time first called the peanut butter, â€Å"E.K. Pond.† Peter Pan PB comes in 10 different varieties which include Creamy, Whipped, Crunchy, Extra Crunchy, Honey Roasted Creamy, Honey Roasted Crunchy, Smart Choice Creamy, Smart Choice Crunchy, Plus 8 (vitamin enriched). Peter Pan has been on the market for many decades and when first packaged, was marketed in a tin can. But because of metal shortages during the second World War, changed its packaging to glass and plastic jars. The product’s tagline of not sticking to the roof of your mouth is one of the reasons, other than it being just plain good, that the Canadians desire Peter Pan so much. The first step in marketing this product to one of the largest Canadian food markets such as The Superstore, Sobeys, Metro, and Safeway, is to analyze the customer value equation. â€Å"Traditionally we think that consumers choose based on the quality of the product, while really the driver of all choice is the non-cognitive relationship that the consumer has with the brand, which is entirely channeled through the brand identity.† (Wegrzyn, 2011). The matter of finding a role of the brand within a consumer’s life comes after the brand identity has accurately addressed how the brand wants to be perceived. The question for prospective buyers in most situations is not whether to make a purchase in the product category, but which product or service to buy. When a product’s price exceeds its value-in-use, the offering’s net contribution, and inducement to purchase, is negative. The customer is better off not buying the product. Whatever the customer would gain from the product itself is more than offset by what she would have to give up in paying its price. In most situations, however, a very different situation exists. In most situations, the prices charged for products and services fall far below the values-in-use that customers expect to obtain from them. In many cases, because of competition, products’ use values are in multiples of 5 to 10 times the prices at which they sell. Customers buy products to fill unmet needs and because they expect to derive some value or utility from them. Products provide customers with four types of utility or benefit. These utilities and benefits are time utility, place utility, ownership utility and form utility. What is the time utility or value to the consumer of having Peter Pan Peanut Butter available at any convenient time within supermarkets? The time utility may be of critical importance because many families may depend upon this product to satisfy the needs of small children which may take this product to school for lunch, possibly. So it may be detrimental that it is always available on the shelves by making sure that the production of the product is timely. Secondly, place utility is important. This is the value to a consumer of having the product available in convenient market locations. It may be important that the peanut butter is available at many different supermarkets especially those that are located near schools where there is a high population of children that the product would be in demand to. Ownership utility may not be an important factor for this product as is the value of transferring the product’s ownership. Last is the form utility of the product. Form utility is the value to consumers from changing the composition of the product. The form utility of the peanut butter is also fairly high. Peanut butter isn’t just for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but is also used in Peanut butter chili, peanut butter broccoli, peanut butter ice cream and peanut butter cocktails. It can be eaten with chocolate, it can be eaten with jam, it can be smeared on chicken, and it can even be used in drinks and it seems that the uses for peanut butter are endless. Peanut butter has been known to be used as an excellent lubricator on rusty old blades, for animal medicine, a butter replacement, mousetrap bait, and price tag removal. When entering foreign markets it is essential to have a clear understanding of the economic conditions of the country in order to properly promote the product in the marketing process so that the development, execution and measure of the campaign for the peanut butter run smoothly. It is important that I visit the target market because on-site, I can talk to potential buyers in order to learn everything that I need to know about competition, local rules and distribution channels. By attending trade shows and events that are specific to the industry within Canada I can learn a lot of helpful information by taking notes on products, competitors, packaging and labeling of similar products. The marketing process can be tedious and stressful in starting the export operations. I will have to make sure that I have an export plan that is similar to a business plan but instead focuses on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that my company can face within foreign markets. My export plan will help me to define my objectives clearly in order to use the right tactics to reach my goals and gain more credibility. My plan states how I can make my product adaptable to Canadian markets and will aid in determining sales price and how much time will be required to mee t my objectives. The best way to enter the Canadian markets is through efficient entry strategies which involve selling directly to end users and foreign retail markets will buy directly from ConAgra Foods. In ConAgra’s consumer goods business, there is no one factor more important than brand awareness. We are aware that if a customer recognizes my brand, they are more likely to buy it which will increase the sales of the product. The product will be shelved on stores according to the popularity among customers or the most sales. The advertising campaign should increase brand awareness amongst some of our other products in order to get better placement in other Canadian markets as well. â€Å"An effective marketing mix also includes market segmentation, targeting and positioning the product for competitive advantage.† (Food Export Association of the Midwest USA and Food Export USA, 2011). â€Å"In international marketing, it may sometimes be useful to see countries as segments. Country level segmentation may be done on levels such as geography—based on the belief that neighboring countries and countries with a particular type of climate or terrain tend to share similarities, demographics or income.† (Pernerm, 2012). Income segmentation can be a bit tricky. This is because relative prices between the U.S. and Canada may differ significantly. This is based upon purchasing power parity that measures which greatly affects the relative cost of imported and domestically produced products. â€Å"Proper execution of these procedures requires quality research and consultation from export assistance providers, export service providers and customers in the foreign market.† (Food Export Association of the Midwest USA and Food Export USA, 2011). â€Å"The Marketing mix and the 4 P’s are the controllable elements of business.† (Food Export Association of the Midwest USA and Food Export USA, 2011). For instance a company has control over what product it makes, what price it sells the product for, how it wishes to place (distribute) the product and how it wishes to promote it. Introducing new products is a very good way of achieving differentiation and enhancing a retail identity in an over -subscribed retail market, but without corporate support new products may fail or go unnoticed. Because I want to expand Peter Pan, Peanut Butter to Canadian markets I need to perform an environmental analysis at the beginning of the marketing process as well as throughout it. Political and Legal forces, Economic forces, Socio-cultural forces and Technological forces are known as PEST factors of the micro-environment. â€Å"An examination of Canada’s political orientation and environment is part of the preliminary screening stage of market select.† (Zekiri & Angelova, 2011). I have to carefully study Canada’s government structure of the Canadian markets and their political system. In addition, I must perform efficient risk assessments because of high levels of uncertainty in terms of continuity of government policies, changing political philosophies that are evident in Canadian markets. Political risk factors are divided into 4 levels, general instability, expropriation, operations, and finance. If any of the levels uncovers risk, which may be deemed unacceptable, the firm should immediately reconsider conducting business within Canada. Barriers of entry will also have to be assessed because it can also be a factor that could possibly make it difficult to break into Canadian markets. Tariff and non-tariff barriers make â€Å"companies already in the market more valuable as they reduce the risk of new competition.† (Zekiri & Angelova, 2011). These â€Å"entry barriers are imposed by governments in order to protect domestic industry or to ensure that companies entering from foreign markets conform to trade relation’s arrangements with other countries.† (Zekiri & Angelova, 2011). â€Å"Barriers to exit are obstacles to market players who realize that they will not turn a profit and would like to quit the market.† (Zekiri & Angelova, 2011). â€Å"From an economic perspective, it makes sense to produce and sell an additional unit of product or service if the revenue generated covers at least for the variable costs.† (Zekiri & Angelova, 2011). Another important variable to consider because of impacts that court of law decisions may have upon a company’s globalization attempts is its legal environment. ConAgra could face a vast amount of problems in my efforts to develop a successful strategy. â€Å"Understanding the legal environment of target countries is considered of great importance in terms of market selection, due to the detrimental impacts court of law decisions related to issues such as foreign exchange rates, expropriation and intellectual property rights, jurisdiction, patents, trademarks, licensing, antitrust and bribery, etc.† (Zekiri & Angelova, 2011). I will also have to pay close attention to the economic development and performance of Canada. Canada’s stage of economic growth will have a great impact in my foreign strategies. â€Å"Economic growth affects a countries attitude towards foreign business activity, the demand for goods and the distribution system found within the country.† (Zekiri & Angelova, 2011). â€Å"So, a study of the economic climate is important especially to gain understanding with regard to developing countries and secondly in respect to market potential and market growth.† (Zekiri & Angelova, 2011). â€Å"The existing level of economic development allows the firm to estimate the degree of market potential as well as allowing them to prepare for economic shifts and emerging markets.† (Zekiri & Angelova, 2011). ConAgra’s direct competitors of packaged foods in the U.S.are the H.J. Heinz Company, Mondelez International, Nestl, Tyson Foods, and Smithfield foods. International competitors are Gordon signature, GFS, Markon, and Trade East. Many Canadian brands believe very strongly in marketing that it’s more than simply a service offering. They believe that it starts with a clear understanding of demographics and competitive landscape. Canadian brand managers are experienced, senior level professionals with combined sales and marketing backgrounds across an impressive range of tier-one companies within their industry. But as with most marketers ConAgra’s team has built collectively and individually, vast extended networks of highly specialized and talented marketers. As ComAgra’s landscape continues to change, they are committed to learning, understanding and working in new environments in order to ensure they reach the highest potential for all of their principals. Peanut butter is in 90 percent of households and most families with kids consider it a staple and kid-friendly food.† (Ashman & Beckley, 2006). If you were to ask many people to name their favorite brand of peanut butter you may get a few different answers such as Skippy, Jif and Peter Pan. The product largest consumer base comes from families with children, preschools and K-12 schools. â€Å"While today’s harried parents can choose from an array of prepackaged lunch options, the classic PB&J remains as convenient as it is healthy and tasty.† (Gidman, 2009). â€Å"This means that the three major peanut butter brands—plus several smaller ones—will have to employ successful branding to secure a place in the American lunch box.† (Gidmanm, 2009). â€Å"Manufactures are responding to consumers’ hectic lifestyles by creating packaging that assists convenience. Peanut butter comes in squeezable packages, with jelly and as a premade sandwich.† (Ashman & Beckley, 2006). In Peter Pan’s advertising campaigns from the 1950’s they showcased â€Å"Youngsters Prefer Peter Pan Peanut Butter† within their ad. The advertisement influenced mothers shopping for their children by using a charming little blonde haired boy enjoying a piece of bread covered with peanut butter because the advertising agency knew that showcasing a motherly figure or a mother, would get the mother to associate that child with a child of her own. They also printed the advertisement using calm colors that allowed the viewer of the ad to think relaxing thoughts. Good marketing ethics affect organizational success. Ethics are the principals a person or department uses when making a decision. The truth is, the advertising ad can be a little misleading because just because that little boy in the ad likes that peanut butter, this doesn’t mean that every little child will like it. â€Å"Misleading advertising is a common ethical dilemma. Although regulation provides formal boundaries of what an advertisement can and cannot say, marketers must consider the ethical boundaries.† (Okely, 2009). â€Å"Ethical behavior by the marketing department will make the department and even the company a more attractive place to work as the company’s good reputation will transfer to its employees. Motivated, proud employees will improve performance.† (Okely, 2009). â€Å"Bad marketing ethics will destroy a good reputations which is arguably much harder to build than sales numbers.† (Okely, 2009). Marketing plans are crucial to marketing managers in providing a more structured approach in marketing products to foreign markets. Market managers specialize in targeting different parts of a customer base to increase demand for a company’s product or matches customers and different market segments to the products the firm produces. Foreign marketing is a very broad subject is importance to a country and to individual companies. I have examined the broader aspects of international trade in terms of difficulties encountered when trading I foreign markets including how countries are structured in terms of their economic development and some of the world’s trading blocks. Many problems have also been considered from a company’s standpoint and in each of the elements of the marketing mix are considered in turn in the context of how it should be manipulated when dealing in foreign markets. References Angelova, J., & Zekiri, B. (2011). Factors that influence entry mode choice in foreign markets. European Journal of Social Sciences, 22(4), 572-584. Retrieved from Ashmanm, H., & Beckly, J. (2006, January 7). Educating consumers about peanut butter. Retrieved from: Food Export Association of the Midwest USA and Food Export USA, (2012). Compete and succeed in the international marketplace: The export marketing mix. Retrieved from: Gidman, J. (2009, January 19). Peanut Butter brands go nuts. Retrieved from: Okely, L. (2009, June 26). Common ethical dilemmas faced by marketing departments. Perner, L. Ph.D. (2012). USC Marshall: International marketing. Retrieved from: Wegrzyn, N. (2011, December 20). The consumer value equation. Retrieved from: