Saturday, August 31, 2019

What led to the American Revolution?

After the French and Indian War, which was a brutal battle against the British colonies and New France, Britain had an enormous debt to pay off. The British Empire looked to he colonies to help pay off the money, but colonists were not at all compliant with this. Nevertheless, Britain went ahead with their plans and enforced several acts that not only restricted the colonists In Issues pertaining to their economy. But also created much dissatisfaction with life in the colonies.The constant shifts in British policies regarding economic policies and trade designed to benefit the British Empire, especially the Stamp Act, Townsend Act, and Tea Act, caused much discontent amongst colonists, thus sparking a sense of rebellion that led to the orientation of unified, organized groups and ultimately the American Revolution. The Stamp Act, enforced In 1765, spurred a rebellion that later helped to create the Stamp Act Congress. The Stamp Act virtually taxed the colonists on nearly every piece of printed paper, such as newspapers and legal documents.Though the outraged colonists saw it as unjust, the British thought their enforcement was justified. As Thomas Whitely, advisor of the man who wrote the initial Stamp Act, said in â€Å"Considerations†¦ † † , , [the British] are not yet recovered from a War undertaken solely for [the Americans'] Protection†¦ Hey should contribute to the Preservation of the Advantages they have received†. According to this, the Brothels thought their primary reason for being so In debt was due to the wars they had been fighting In America towards the colonists' favor.Whitely believed that colonists should also partake in contributing towards paying off the debt. The Stamp Act became the first blatant attempt of the British to use the colonists and their growing economy to benefit the Empire. Because this act's intentions were so obvious, the colonists had extremely opposing reaction. Colonists also began boycotting stamps and goods to bell against the act. They also formed the Stamp Act Congress to devise a unified protest against the taxation.According to Patrick Henry, â€Å"the Taxation of the People by themselves, or by Person chosen by themselves to represent them, who can only know what Taxes the People are to bear†¦ Is the only Security against a burdensome Taxation, and the distinguishing Characteristics of British Freedom†. This quote from Henry portrayed the colonists' perspective on the phrase â€Å"No Taxation Without Representation† and that colonists would only find taxation fair If they were allowed o discuss their own pollens to Parliament that would actually be taken Into consideration.Overall, the Stamp Act caused discontent amongst colonists while also causing more rebellious behavior to arise. The Townsend Acts were another series of policies that greatly angered colonists, especially merchants, in that through these acts, the colonists realized the immen se and unjust control the British had over them. These acts focused particularly on following were all practical necessities at that time. Though these acts went against mercantilism in that they were bound to discourage British manufacturers and encourage manufacturers from the colonies, the creator of this taxation demanded to have this enforced no matter what.The Townsend Acts also shut down the New York assembly, who had been providing part of the money needed to house British troops when the Quartering Act was imposed. The act shut down the assembly until the full amount lost from the Boston Tea Party was appropriated. In response to this, John Dickinson, who had served in the Stamp Act Congress, stated â€Å"There is another late act of parliament which appears to me to be unconstitutional, and†¦ Destructive to the bibber of theses colonies†¦ The Townsend Acts claim the authority to impose duties on theses colonies, not for the regulation of trade†¦ UT for the single purpose of levying money upon us†. This depicts the true perspective of colonists. These acts were not enforced for the purpose of Just gaining more authority over colonists and their trade, but also exhibited the immense power the British held over the colonists. Britain taking away the assembly was what hit colonists the hardest. Though the portion with taxation on goods mostly impacted merchants, the rest were still greatly angered by how the British shut down the assembly.They began to ponder on the possibilities of Britain taking away the rights of having any assemblies since they had disassembled New Work's. This caused much uproar in the colonies, who did not want their only ties to somewhat of a government taken away by the British yet again. The imposition of the Tea Act in 1773 especially riled up colonists, even women, which proved even more that the acts were truly intolerable in that women were not very active in the rebellion up until then. At the time, th e East India Company was trundling to survive.This act helped the company and gave it the right to export its merchandise directly to the colonies without paying any regular taxes that were imposed on colonial merchants. To the colonists, it was Just another scheme from Britain to solve their issues by using the colonies towards their benefit. They opposed this act because it affected the already-standing taxation on colonists. Also, not only was the money from the act put towards helping a British company, it went towards the fund to pay of Britain's war debt from the French and Indian War. In response, he colonists boycotted British tea.In a tea party that occurred in Denton, North Carolina, the women who participated stated they were â€Å"determined to give memorable proof of their patriotism†¦ And could not be indifferent on any occasion that appears nearly to affect the peace and happiness of [their] country'. They would do anything if it meant that they were able to be free from the harsh acts from Britain. In addition, this statement was given by women who were, at the time, supposed to stay in their homes and complete housework activities such as cooking, sewing, and cleaning.This resisting behavior was unfitting to the standards of women and the act obviously discontented colonists so much that women felt the need to become involved in the political affairs. All in all, the Stamp Act, Townsend Act, and Tea Act, as well as many of the other acts, caused colonists to become discontent with life under the rule of the British. For a long time, they had been dissatisfied, but these impositions brought about a rebellious attitude that spurred colonists to resist their new common enemy: the United States evolved greatly that ultimately transformed it into how it is today.

Friday, August 30, 2019

“The King of Torts” by John Grisham

Clay Carter is a public defender doing boring, low-paid, through which every beginning lawyer is to go through. Carter has been there for too long, and this job does not bode anything to Carter†¦ up to the point, when he takes up the case of Tequila Watson, a 20-year-old youth who has committed a murder seemingly without any reasons†¦ Up to the point, when Carter realizes that beneath a hackneyed case there is a real case, which is difficult and dangerous, boding a huge amount of money. This case can become the start of a dazzling legal career – if Carter takes the risk and stakes his all†¦This is the entanglement of the legal suspense thriller â€Å"The King of Torts† (2003) by John Grisham. The novel has a fast-pace and dynamic plot, which takes Carter from the mundane post of public defendant to the pecuniary cream of the society. John Grisham, a former lawyer and now a successful novelist, is known for his penetrating insights into the American legal system, made in his numerous earlier novels like â€Å"A Time to Kill†(1989) and â€Å"Runaway Jury† (1996).This time Grisham takes on the â€Å"torts†, lawyers who lead suits against large corporations in the name of many people, who suffered from the actions or products of this company; the attorney receives a considerable percent from all payouts of all plaintiffs and his payout can be measured in billions. As Clay Carter engages into the case of Tequila Watson, he discovers an enormous conspiracy, where the big pharmaceutical company is involved. Tempted by the mysterious stranger Max, he plunges into tort business and is soon dubbed â€Å"king of torts† for his success.He starts leading a luxurious life, living in a luxurious house and driving a black Porsche; however, everything has its price. The price of success for Carter is his moral and professional principles, which he eagerly sells in exchange for fame and fortune.In this novel, Grisham makes a grim commentary on the American legal system, which has turned into a machine for earning money for attorneys. Apart from the exciting plot, the most gripping suspense lies in the attitude of the reader to the protagonist. Carter is evidently degrading, but will the reader find â€Å"extenuating circumstances† to justify him or at least to understand his downfall? This is a question, which you can answer only after turning the last page of this gripping thriller.ReferencesGrisham, J. (2003). The King of Torts. New York: Doubleday.

Thursday, August 29, 2019


PERSONAL GOALS & REFLECTION ASSIGNMENT BUSINESS ETHICS - Essay Example After evaluating my time audit sheet, I can say with confidence that I am maintaining the values that matter to me in my daily activities. The two most important influences in my life are religion, and education, and so it is appropriate that related activities (class, study, and prayer) occupy the majority of my days. I would not change any aspect of the way I fill these time periods, except for extending them if it were a realistic option. If I were conducting myself as a business with the values equivalent to those described in the memorandum, then the usage of my time is very efficient. It promotes the building of personal skills, spiritual health, social activity, and a very productive, happy life. Of course, some play time does creep into my days, but it is a necessary release of stress that surely contributes to my success during the day. I wouldnt expect my employees to spend their entire day without any fun. It would surely exhaust them in a short amount of time. If I were to make a single change to my routine, I would try to eliminate about an hour from my night of sleep. There has been evidence that seven hours or even less can be more than sufficient for some people, and the extra time could certainly be used for a more productive purpose. Though sleep is definitely important, I would be interested to see if I can be awake for longer without a major negative impact to daily

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Radiation and Cancer or Causes of Cancer Research Paper

Radiation and Cancer or Causes of Cancer - Research Paper Example Acquired or hereditary abnormalities in the regulatory genes cause development of cancer. However, only 5-10% of cancer is hereditary. Cancer may be detected from symptoms or radiology findings. Definitive cancer diagnosis however requires a biopsy specimen for microscopic examination. Today, many types of cancer can be treated through radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. The extent of the disease and type of cancer commonly influence prognosis. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2010), cancer accounted for about 13% (7.9) million deaths worldwide in 2007 alone. With changes in lifestyles as the world develops and changes that occur due to old age, cases of cancer are fast increasing which means that the disease will continue to claim more lives with time (WHO, 2010). Causes of Cancer Chemical and Physical agents Environmental factors accounts for about 90-95% causes of cancer according to Jemal, (2011). Chemicals are the main causes of cancer. Pathogenesis of canc er can be traced back to mutations of DNA that cause metastasis and cell growth. Mutagens are substances that cause mutations of DNA. Tobacco smoking accounts for 25-30% of cancer and is also associated with many forms of cancer. It also causes about 89% of cancer of the lungs. Alcohol is a chemical carcinogen which is not a mutagen whereas tobacco is both a carcinogen and a mutagen. In Western Europe, alcohol causes 10% and 3% of cancers in males and females respectively (Jemal, 2011). Sasco, (2004) observes that in every three deaths of cancer, tobacco accounts for one death in economically developed nations, and about one for every five in the entire world. In spite of these facts, smoking rates are fast increasing world wide leading to the â€Å"tobacco epidemic† as some organizations describe it. Physical agents also cause cancer through their physical effects on cell. For example, prolonged exposure to mineral fibers and asbestos are major causes of cancer. Physical car cinogens must get into the body and one has to be exposed for years for cancer to develop. Diet and Lack of Physical Exercises Poor diet and lack of physical exercise is another cause of cancer, accounting for approximately 30% of cancer cases. In the US, excessive body weight is believed to develop many forms of cancer and accounts for 14-20% of cancer deaths (WHO, 2010). WHO also notes that lack of physical activities also increases body weight besides negatively affecting endocrine production and the body’s immune system. Diets that lack whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and those rich in red meat and highly processed foods are also linked to cancer. A diet high in salt causes gastric cancer while aflatoxin B1 causes liver cancer. The high risk of immigrants developing cancer in relation to the risk in their new country shows the relationship between diet and cancer according to WHO (2010). Infections It is estimated that about 18% of worldwide cancers are caused by inf ectious diseases (WHO, 2010). This proportion varies with the part of the world. For example, WHO estimates that 25% of cancer cases in developing nations and 10% in developed nations are caused by infections. Cancer is normally caused by viruses, bacteria and other pathogen or infectious agents. Cancers that are caused by viruses include (oncovirus) cervical carcinoma, hepatocellular carcinoma and T-cell leukemia among

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

International Business Management (Strategic Alliances types) Essay

International Business Management (Strategic Alliances types) - Essay Example Features responsible for success of an alliance are managing co-ordination and trust between partners. Trust develops through various processes as commitment, bargaining and interaction. The alliance must also develop trust between its vendors and customers, this is relational capital. Trust among the customers raises the alliance reputation capital, consequently resulting to alliance success. Alliances are founded on contract and not friendship bases, therefore, each partner is expected to be committed and display its trustworthy. The alliance maintenance must focus on trust between the parties involved and the degree of adherence to set rules and regulations. The partners have the advantage to learn from each other without exploiting each other through resources or capabilities. Knowledge diffuses takes place from one firm to all the alliance parties. In each alliance well defined, rules are set aside to protect the parties from exploitation by the giant partners. The general types of strategic alliances are Joint venture, non-equity alliance, equity strategic alliance and global strategic alliance (Gomes, 2011, p. 53-47). Joint venture alliance involves a long term investment between two or more organisation which benefits all partners. The investment includes funds, resources and facilities which are contributed equally by the associated companies. A classic example of the joint venture is Caltex Company that is formed between the California Standard oil and the Texaco Company earlier known as Texas Company (Mitchell, 2013, p. 77). The petroleum company products are available in more than 60 countries in the Asia, Middle East, pacific region and the Southern Africa. Caltex is a global organisation having its product distributed and consumed in many parts of the world. The companies combined their resources together to create a separate business. Chevron had plenty oil wells but

Monday, August 26, 2019

To what extent can improvements in productive flow and product quality Essay - 4

To what extent can improvements in productive flow and product quality lead to an increase in sales and profit - Essay Example product flow and quality, and determine how their association can be harnessed to promote sales as well as profits. Business organisations exist with a goal of maintaining continuous improvement and productivity; a goal that can only be achieved if high sales and profits are maintained. Enhanced sales and profits provide adequate opportunities and resources to the manufacturers that they apply for innovation and growth. Enhanced innovation enables manufacturers to provide superior and lean quality products that attract customers. Most companies strive to leverage operational improvements into strategies that transform the company (Williams, Haslam and Williams, 1992). Production flow defines the concept of mass production. It is the idea of producing large quantities that are manufactured through application of high standardised methods. Production flow is applied by many companies because it promotes the production process; it is easier and quicker. The introduction bit of the proce ss is cumbersome and difficult although it becomes easier once the production flow attains momentum. Owing to its emphasis on production of large quantities of commodities, production flow relies on the machinery for most of its roles. This implies that surmountable resources require to be allocated in the purchase, training and maintenance for the strategy to be efficient. Machines involved in this process should be selected and handled carefully to ensure that they are not vulnerable to wear and tear. This may lead to loss in terms of maintenance and replacement costs (Womack, Jones and Roos, 1990). According to Oulton (1987), mass production has its merits as well as demerits. Installation of the machinery required for production requires abundant financial resources. However, once the machinery has been installed, organisations save considerable financial resources, especially the money required in hiring and maintenance of human labour (Gilchrist, 1971). The work output is norm ally high. The accuracy levels are also high provided the machines are maintained in a superb working form. Machines are also capable of abiding to the set deadlines with no requirement for extensions. Abiding to the performance deadline is enhanced by the presence of assembly lines that allows continuous and consistent flow of manufactured products. This enhances output as well as the quality of the products produced in the long term, leading to increased sales and profits. Investing in production flow process benefits the manufacturer due to improved sales, leading to the increase in profits. Quality can be defined as the ability of a product or service to fulfil the client needs or expectations. Therefore, it can be measured depending on the level that the quality of a product satisfies the expectations of a consumer. High quality products have superior features that satisfy the consumer needs while the features of low quality products do not correspond to the needs of the consum er. For instance, the features that determine the quality of mechanical products include appearance, safety and reliability. Product quality improvement should consider the customer’s needs and expectations, extent of fulfilment of both national and international regulations and the competitiveness of the product (Williams, Haslam and Williams, 1993). Improving the product quality will not only satisfy the consumer needs; more customers will be attracted leading to increa To what extent can improvements in productive flow and product quality Essay - 1 To what extent can improvements in productive flow and product quality lead to an increase in sales and profit - Essay Example Additionally, there is product price, product quality, customer preference, and economic stability of a market. Product quality and productive flow are also factors that affect sales and profit. They have various ways through which they affect sales and profit (Shaharudin, Mansor, Hassan, Omar & Harun, 2011, p. 8163; Shetty & Buehler, 1991, p. 8). The extent, through which product quality and productive flow can increase sales and profit, can only be shown through explaining the effect of these two factors on sales and profit. How improving these factors can lead to increased sales and profit, will clearly be produced in the explanations given about their effects. The essay is, therefore, divided into two main sections: The effects of product quality on sales and profit, and the effect of productive flow on sales and profit. These will show the relationship between product quality and productive flow to sales and profit hence; help in understanding how improving the two factors can l ead to increased sales and profit. Effect of Product Quality on Sales and Profit The main element that brings value to a customer in the market offering is the product. A product is more than a tangible object. It includes performance quality, service features, brand name, design and packaging. The quality of a product is very important since it affects the product performance and so is connected to customer satisfaction and value (Shaharudin, Mansor, Hassan, Omar & Harun, 2011, p. 8164). Consumers of today seek high quality products. The only problem is different perceptions held by customers about quality. Any company interested in selling its products should conduct thorough market research, depending on the type of product they have, to determine what their consumers perceive as high quality. Consumers in the United States, for example, rank quality based on reliability of a product, durability, easy maintenance, ease of use, brand name and the price. This is specifically on mot or cycle products (Shaharudin, Mansor, Hassan, Omar & Harun, 2011, p. 8164). Improving the quality of a product, therefore, increases the sales of a product. Sales depend on customer satisfaction and value, and product quality is one way of satisfying the customer and offering something of value depending on the customer. The extent to which product quality affects sales is great. This is because, for goods to be sold, customers have to want, need or prefer them. Preference is most common where there are a variety of products with different features, prices, brand names, quality and so on. Product quality is a determining factor in preference for a product, so affects sales. Customer satisfaction and value is vast. There are different customers with different tastes, needs, and economic capability. All these determine the preference hence the intent to purchase a product (Shaharudin, Mansor, Hassan, Omar & Harun, 2011, p. 8164). Product quality is the totality of a product or servic e characteristics that give the product or service the ability to satisfy given needs. If a product fulfils a customer’s expectations, the customer becomes satisfied and begins to build loyalty. Loyalty is developed through trust and positive relationship with the customer. Customer loyalty retains customers and contributes to the number of sales made in a given period of time. This clearly indicates one of the various ways through which product qua

Sunday, August 25, 2019

HR Planning and Recruitment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

HR Planning and Recruitment - Essay Example This essay focuses on the Human Resource planning and recruitment, that is one of the crucial requirements of the organizations. The main reasons for ensuring effective management of the company’s personnel is that it ensures that there is adequate number of staff members. KFC is the best example among all the fast food restaurant chains as it has allocated sufficient amount of resources in its personnel. Every aspect of HR is adequately planned out so that the operations of the company are not impacted at all. Even the recruitment of employees is done in accordance to the international standards so that the right people are hired at all positions. In order to sustain the edge within the industry, it is vital for KFC to keep track of the changes taking place in the employment market. It has employed right resources for management of this crucial aspect of the organization and has successfully created a highly, efficient, proactive, sincere and loyal team of employees. Each of the personnel is committed to enhancing the organization’s image in the fast food industry. Hence, KFC has developed an effective HR department for managing its international operations successfully. The success of the company lies in its policy of developing an efficient, loyal and committed workforce by allocating adequate resources in its recruitment and selection process. Even the policies are developed in accordance to the latest market trends so that the gap between the demand and supply of personnel is appropriately planned out.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Strikes and Employment Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Strikes and Employment Relations - Essay Example Changes in the definition and description of workforce conflicts across various time periods will provide an exhaustive understanding of whether the conflict can be considered as an influential feature of contemporary employment relations or not. Strikes can be described as the temporary disruption of work by certain groups of workers or employees. The objective behind strikes is expressing grievance or enforcing particular demand. Strikes can be temporary and in severe cases may lead to permanent closure of the factory or manufacturing site. In general, strikes have always been hampering for the company as it involves loss of time, money and productivity. However, strikes have been used as an influential method by worker unions to put their demands in front of the management. Strikes are conducted with specific and calculative purposes. As a result of its high influence and potential harm, they are often considered as a biggest manifestation of the industrial conflict. Nonetheless, looking at the present decline in the number of strikes, it cannot be concluded that strikes are the only source of conflict between employees or workers and management. Yet, it cannot be concluded that strikes have lost their importance or are sh rinking. From a worldwide perspective, it is clear that strikes are still a major source of communication and interaction in many parts of the globe. The interconnectivity between employment relations and human resource management can be understood by associating them with different managerial ideologies. For instance, unitarist ideology is dominated by autocratic and authoritarian style, where managerial control over decision making in disciplined and under strict control. In another form, unitarism can also be considered as a more paternalist management approach.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Price of Ignorance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Price of Ignorance - Essay Example From this paper it is clear that a tendency of killing a person or a group of people for the sake of certain ideology and the united cruelty against common enemy in order to protect the current world. The scariest thing in this movie is not the actions of the radical party itself – but the multiple examples of similar behavior through the world as a part of everyday life of our peaceful and stable society.As the essay highlights the face of a conflict itself can be seen perfectly. There is a description of power as something unsuitable to provide neither legal protection of the country, nor freedom and luxury for common citizens. There are people that work outside the system; for they see that system itself is an illusion. Anwar Congo laughs at the Geneva Convention, as he understands it’s temporal and imposed value. He is right, for nearly each conflict can boast with its violation – and latter covering of the consequences. And, when everything is over, it turns out that ones who kill millions of people are not monsters – there were just two groups of ideologically different people and only one has survived in order to prevent the destruction of its world.  It would be adequate to compare  «The Act of Killing » with any Hollywood film that is shot from the antagonist’s point of view. The scariest thing is that such history, being well produced and not documental would probably have been popular.

Management info Systems individual Work WK4 Essay

Management info Systems individual Work WK4 - Essay Example The major challenge in keeping cyber-crime in check is the rate at which technology is advancing with each passing day. New cyber threats are formulated on a regular basis making it difficult to suppress cyber-crime. Crimes vary depending on the purpose of the cyber-criminal. The crimes can be directed to computers and other machines to manipulate, destroy or reconfigure them. The crimes can also be fuelled by financial greed whereby fraud comes in play and the hacking of financial institutions. The crimes can also target individuals with the aim of destroying their reputation or even blackmailing them. Cyber criminals can use various technology tools. Such tools include the internet, social media and wireless networks. Such tools are meant to help the general public in their day to day activities but can be manipulated by cyber criminals for their benefit. The cyber criminals are good at what they do and sometimes leave no traces at all making it difficult to know their real identities. Some even form organizations and advertize their prowess to willing buyers of their services. They even use these technology tools to leak information about someone. The internet as we know it is a basic tool for many computer users. Many transactions, monetary or otherwise, go through the internet each day. Millions of downloads also take place on the internet on a daily basis. This technology tool connects people around the world, turning it into a small virtual village. The internet connects people through emails and communication of information through search engines such as Google among others. This vital tool can be used against its users to commit cybercrime. This usually happens where attackers use the internet to connect to their targets and can thus get or download the necessary information they need from the victims’ computers. The internet connects computers, and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Mobile Systems Paper Essay Example for Free

Mobile Systems Paper Essay With so many web and mobile applications available today, it is difficult to find a particular one that impacts more individuals and businesses than others. Many applications perform one or two tasks well, but I believe Google Drive is one of those applications that anyone can find useful. Whether you’re a student or a business person, Google Drive can be of use in anyone’s life. Google Drive is unique because it has several different purposes and functions. The first function of Google Drive is its cloud storage. Google Drive itself gives its users 5GB of free space to upload documents, music, pictures, and videos to keep as a backup or to share with others. If needed, storage size can be expanded up to 16TB for a fee. Another feature that is key to Google Drive is it incorporates its Docs application as well as Gmail in it. This allows users to create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more that will automatically save right to Google Drive and also give the ability to share it through email.† Other aspects that can be found on Google Drive is that it is available on every modern browser, but alongside that Drive will offer the ability to view up to 30 different file types† (,2012). One final way that Google Drive can now be used is on any Android or iOS device. Users can now create, edit and view almost everything the same as they would if they were on their computer using it. Although some of the features of Google Drive are similar to that of other applications, There is no other application that streamlines as many features into one application to make its users as productive and efficient as possible. With the incorporation of Google Docs and Gmail, users can create and share without having to open multiple applications. Another great change that it has brought to users is that it works with practically everything. Drive works on all browsers and all Android and iOS devices, so people can get work done at anytime, anywhere whether it is for school or work. Being a student, I feel this application has lowered school costs due to it being free and the fact that it has cloud storage. Students no longer have to have flash drives at the computer lab, now they can just log into Google Drive and access everything they need. And, with the addition of the mobile versions of Google Drive, last minute edits of papers and  presentations are no longer a reason for a melt down. â€Å"The final benefit Google Drive gives to its consumers is the ability for Gmail to attach up to a 10GB file because of its integration. The attachment is technically a link for the recipient to download, but it enable users to have the luxury of sharing large videos or other data very easy and seamless† (,2012). With the exception of a few items, Google Drive contains an abundance of features needed for everyday tasks. One item that Drive is lacking is media streaming. This definitely needs to become a future enhancement so users can stream their music and videos from their drive application on mobile devices. With media streaming enabled, many users would only need to use Google Drive and could un clutter their home screen full of unecessary applications. â€Å"The other enhancement that is directed towards the mobile version only is that users cannot create spreadsheets, forms, or drawings at this time† (,2012). I am sure that Google will enable this in future updates, but it does cause some restriction for users for the time being. Mobile technology has become a necessity for students and business persons to stay productive while not in front of their everyday computer. Google Drive is now expanding how mobile devices can be effective by letting users share, store, create, and edit items from anywhere. This allows users more control on how they spend their time instead of being dependent on being in front of a computer. I know as a Google Drive user that it has helped me stay productive by storing all of my school work in their cloud storage. I can work from my phone or on any computer and it all works the same. I believe Google Drives consistency between operating systems and devices is what makes this application so nice. No matter what I am using Google Drive on I can feel comfortable using it. References (2012, April 27). Google Drive Review. Retrieved from (2012, April 24). Google Drive has arrived, clearly targets businesses. Retrieved from (2012, November 27). With Google Drive integration, Gmail now offers 10GB attachments. Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Truth In Hard Determinism Philosophy Essay

The Truth In Hard Determinism Philosophy Essay Over the years the problem of free will versus determinism has been a phenomena to philosophers for many years. It has been a huge issue, because without the presence of free will there cannot be morality, no wrong or right, no good or evil. Everyones behavior would be determined before hand and people would have no creativity or choice. Everything one does on a daily basis in ones life somehow involves the process of decision making or choice selection, whether it be mental or physical. From the moment one wakes up to the second one sleeps, decisions and choices are being made. There are some decisions that one makes that are extremely obvious to oneself because of the need of reflecting on the choices before choosing. But most of the decisions one makes throughout the day are made with little thought. Furthermore, many people are mostly unaware that they are making decisions because of preference and habituation. Before continuing further, the terms free will, and determinism must be defined. Free will is the idea that an individual is free to make decisions that are unhindered by external forces. Whereas determinism states that the conditions of a specific moment are the result of from the previous conditions of previous moments. The position that this paper encourages is that of hard determinism. The general hard determinist believes that no human action is free. Paul Holbach was a hard determinist philosopher who wrote an article called The illusion of Free Will. In it he explained how everything one does is caused by things that is beyond ones control. Generally speaking , people are motivated to pursue pleasure and avoid pain, but people cannot help what gives them pain or pleasure. No matter what one does, the endless chain of causes and effects leads ones doing is inevitable. An important example that Holbach used was the poisoned water. It demonstrated that whatever one does they do it for a reason, and that these reasons are simple changes that the brain makes which determines what one chooses to do. Since one cannot control the changes in the brain that causes one to choose what one chooses, then that would mean that no one cannot control their own actions. Hard determinism also gives a more rational perspective of humans and their choices. It focuses on the causes instead of the instant causes for ones actions. Also the implications of being determined are taken more seriously, and it does not make one responsible for the decisions one makes because they are beyond the individuals control. Furthermore, hard determinism tries to take into fact of how people feel that they are free when they really are not. Halbach believed that the main cause of why people think that they make their own decisions is because they are ignorant to the cause and effect chain that determines their behaviors. The motives and causes are just too complex for people to understand them. People do not also naturally question where the causes behind their choices come from, which gives humans the idea of having free will. Moreover, hard determinism has many advantages to it. It could be helpful in courts of law and in the legal system, that is when it would be most convincing . A person who maybe standing on trial may use hard determinism as a defense by stating that the individuals actions were caused by events that occurred in the past which were ultimately beyond the persons control. If hard determinism is successfully persuasive in court, then it should be accepted that both free will and determinism are incompatible. However hard determinism does have its flaws. While soft determinism views that humans are unique, because they possess free will; hard determinism refutes humans that important component that makes humans distinctly different form animals. Humans are also no more free than robots. In addition, it would be wrong to punish a criminal, because they just could not help it; and that would ultimately lead to an unstable society filled with mayhem and troubles. Ultimately hard determinism argues that humans may feel free but it is nothing but a mere illusion, and some people would argue against this and believe that it is free of choice. Continuing on the pros of the hard determinist view, libertarianism brought up many new points to the argument. Libertarianism was about the idea that humans are all free and that free will is not compatible with determinism. Libertarians argue that because one can easily create ones choices it gives one libertarian free will, and that ones choices in the future are undetermined. Furthermore libertarianism has far too many problems and disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that there is scientific data and empirical evidence that proves that humans are psychologically and scientifically determined,(this discovery was made by Skinner, who was also a hard determinist). It is through classical conditioning that human behavior is a response to the stimuli an individual is in or exposed to. Thus, ones decisions are caused the external environment around that certain individual which accounts for ones choice. Eventually, once the psychological evidence is shown, such as operant conditioning and scientific determinism, it becomes a challenge to see how humans are not determined, and that leaves little room for the libertarian perspective to prosper. One other argument against the libertarian perspective of free will and determinism is the explanation that everything has a cause. Where in the natural free word everything that exists is ca used by something; and equivalently ones choices has to have causes and determinism. However a hard determinist philosopher by the name of T. Honderich who wrote an article called A defense of Hard Determinism, disagreed with the libertarian view. He believed that the human mind must be determined, and that the mind should not be separate from the rest of the body, as it has been demonstrated that the mind highly dependent on physical brain activity. Finally, the criticism above has shown that libertarianism is unconvincing and has many poke able holes, as libertarians believe that the mind is in charge of making ones decisions. Ultimately, there are many perspectives that are related to the question of free will being either compatible with determinism or it being incompatible with determinism. From the evidence presented within this paper, hard determinism is the most consistent theory to follow when it comes to the question of free will and determinism. This is because a choice t hat is not under ones control must be determined by something else; and that certain something according to Holbach is either an external or internal force that drives every human being to make certain decisions. Even though it is hard to accept, Holbach explains that humans must accept it because it is the truth. Humans are not free to choose their actions.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Effectiveness of Organizational Development Models

Effectiveness of Organizational Development Models This article shows the effectiveness of Organizational Development models in order with the example. In this article we have discuss the comparison of three OD models mentioning their effectiveness in order with example. The world is passing through the turbulent times. Companies are expanding their business, acquiring new enterprises, and going through significant changes, including outsourcing, downsizing, automation etc. Tomorrows world will be different from todays, calling for new organizational approaches. Organizations will need to be adapting to these changes market conditions and at the same time coping with the need for a renewing rather than reactive workforce. Organizations are never completely stagnant. External forces i.e. Government, Stockholders, Unions, Competitors, Suppliers, and Customers etc continuously affect the activities of the organization. Changing consumer lifestyles and technological breakthroughs all act on the organization to cause it to change. Many of these changes are forced upon the organization, whereas others are generated internally. Because change is occurring so rapidly, there is a need for new ways to manage it. Organizational Development is a relatively recent invention. It started in the late 1950s when behavioral scientists steeped in the lore and technology of group dynamics attempted to apply that knowledge to improve team functioning and intergroup relations in organization. (French and Bell, 1999). Organizational development (OD) is an application of behavioral science to organizational change. It consists of a wide array of theories, processes, and activities, all of which are oriented toward the goal of improving individual organizations. OD focuses on carefully planned approaches to changing or improving organizational structures and processes, in an attempt maximize organizational effectiveness. Background of Study In present era of cut throat competition, globalization, erasing trade barriers, rapid innovation, advancement in new technology, reduction in product life cycle and huge investment requirements to get entry into industry increase the essence of formulating an effective strategy in an organization in order to gain a competitive edge in market place. It is utmost important for each and every organization to be consistently competitive at the market place in order to save organization from entropy and make it possible for organization to constantly grow through application of Organizational Development concepts. Strategy is a comprehensive plan to achieve organizational goals or strategy is a comprehensive master plan stating how the corporation/organization will achieve its mission and objectives. It is not only important for any firm to develop an effective organizational strategy but also proper implementation and control mechanism is very crucial for success. Organization strategy is the one of element among various elements that may require OD interventions if not effective. According to Burke-Litwin model, organization may require first order or second order change or may require both(First order and Second order changes). If OD interventions directed toward structure, systems, and management practice result in first order change, if interventions directed toward mission, strategy, leadership, and organizational culture then result in second order change (French and Bell, Jr, 1999). Companies today are exposed to much more rapid changes than they were decades ago. This development provides the reason to analyze approaches that help to overcome inflexible, conservatively-managed companies and lead change initiatives successfully. (Kotter, 1996). Organizational Development is planned change in an organizational context. The development of models of planned change facilitated the development of OD. Models and theories depict, in words or pictures, the important features of some phenomenon, describe those features as variables, and specify the relationships among the variables. (French and Bell, 1999). Corporate restructuring, strategies, and development models may be based on various factors viz. Human Resource Management, Financial revamping, International competitive market, post merger and acquisition etc. The globalization, commercialization, privatization, and deregulation have changed the whole scenario as such change has become significant factor in business survival. This has brought far-reaching changes in economic structures and patterns of organizations. The OD is getting increasing attention as such it plays a key role in the description of recent developments. The institutions private or public now realize the recent trends and prospects and have started giving priority to OD. These organizations now adapt and act OD at their workplace by redefining its role in promoting efficiency and economic growth. The organizations, particularly those without strong change element are in favor of encouraging the vigorous growth of OD in corporate governance. The organizations the y do not undertake measures to enhance their capabilities through planned change by employing OD risk not just being marginalized but also being completely bypassed in the new global order. The organizations those face severe competition today are completely dependent on behavioral interventions for organization improvement. Conceptual Understanding of the Organizational Development Organizational Development (OD) bridges an organizations need for continuity and its need for growth. It helps the organization change to meet the changing demands of its internal and external environments (Culbert Reisel, 1971). Organizational development is a theory and practice of bringing the planned change to organization. These changes are usually designed to address an organization problem or to help an organization prepare for future. It is the one method of quickly bringing change, which focus on human and social aspects of the organization as a way to improve organizations ability to adapt and solve problems. Organizational development is both a professional field of social action and an area of scientific inquiry. The practice of OD covers a wide spectrum of activities, with seemingly endless variations upon them. Team building with top corporate management, structural change in a municipality, and job enrichment in a manufacturing firm are all examples of OD. (Cummings and Worley, 2005). Different theorists have provided with their own definitions of organizational development. Some definitions are : Source Definition Porras and Robertson (1992) Organizational development is a set of behavioral science-based theories, values, strategies, and techniques aimed at the planned change of the organizational work setting for the purpose of enhancing individual development and improving organizational performance, through the alteration of organizational members on-the-job behaviors. Cummings and Worley (1993) [OD is] a systematic application of behavioral science knowledge to the planned development and reinforcement of organizational strategies, structures, and processes for improving an organizations effectiveness. Burke (1994) Organizational development is planned process of change in an organizations culture through the utilization of behavioral science technologies, research, and theory. French and Bell (1999) Organizational development is a long-term effort, led and supported by top management, to improve an organizations visioning, empowerment, learning, and problem-solving processes, through an ongoing, collaborative management of organization culture-with special emphasis on the culture of intact work teams and other team configurations-using the consultant-facilitator role and the theory and technology of applied behavioral science, including action research. The gist of above definitions is summarized below: Culture and processes are the key areas of the OD Specifically, OD encourages collaboration between organization top managers and staff members in managing culture and process. Teams of all kinds are particularly important for accomplishing tasks and are targets for OD activities. OD focuses on the human and social side of the organization and in so doing also intervenes in the technological and structural sides. Participation and involvement in problem solving and decision making by all levels of the organization are hallmarks of OD. OD focuses on total system change and views organizations as complex social system. OD practitioners are facilitators, collaborators, and co-learners with the client system. OD makes the client system effective so that the client systems solves its problem at their own and provide necessary coaching / teaching in order to enhance the knowledge and skill level. OD relies on an action research model with extensive participation by client system members. OD takes a developmental view that seeks the betterment of both individuals and the organization. Attempting to create win-win solutions is standard practice in OD programs. In the 1970s, organization development evolved as separate field that applied the behavioral sciences in a process of planned organization-wide change, with the goal of increasing organization effectiveness. Today the concept has been enlarged to examine how people and groups can change to a learning organization culture in a complex and turbulent environment. Organization development is not a step-by-step procedure to solve a specific problem but a process of fundamental change in the human and social systems of the organization, including organization culture. It is a process in a sense that a process is an identifiable interrelated event moving toward some goal or end. Organization development is a journey, not a destination. It is an unfolding and evolving series of events. Every organization program is unique because every organization has unique problems and opportunities. Yet all organization development programs are identifiable flow of interrelated events moving over time to ward the goals of the organization improvement and individual development. Organization development is an organizational improvement strategy, which is about how people and organization function and how to get them to function better. The field is based on the knowledge from the behavioral science disciplines such as psychology, social psychology, sociology, anthropology, systems theory, organizational behavior, organization theory and management to create trust, open conformation of problems, employee empowerment and participation, knowledge and information sharing, the design of meaningful work, co-operation and co-ordination between groups and full use of human potential. Organizational Development can help groups and individuals improve various aspects of organizational life necessary for success, including culture, values, and systems and behavior. The goal of O.D. is to increase organizational effectiveness and organizational health, through planned interventions in the organizations processes, operations, and behavior. Most often, O.D. services are requested when an organization (or a unit within an organization) is undergoing a process of change. Organizational Development services can assist in having a positive impact on most, if not all, factors that contribute to high performance. These include: Accountability Team interactions Strategic planning Skill alignment Professional development strategies Effective use of technology Workplace climate Employee morale A primary goal of organization development is to optimize the system by ensuring that system elements are harmonious and congruent. When organization structure, strategy, culture, and processes are not aligned, performance suffers. Different organizations interventions focus on align the organization with environment demands. Organizations are examples of open systems, that is, system interacting with their environments. Many problems of organizations today emerge from rapid changes in environmental demands, threats and opportunities. The Growth and Relevance of OD: Organizations must settle themselves in increasingly complex and uncertain technological, economic, political, and cultural changes. The speedily changing conditions of last few years shown that the organizations are facing the unprecedented uncertainty and nothing short of a management revolution will save them. Globalization, information technology, and managerial innovation are the major trends which are shaping change in organizations. First: globalization is playing vital role is the organizational life cycle. Organization is growing in the changing markets and environments. New governments, new leadership, new markets, and new countries are emerging and creating a new global economy. Companies in Russia, China, Hong Kong etc. are the examples of globalization. Second: information technology has drastically changing the old business model and defining the new parameters of how knowledge is used, how work is performed and how to calculate the cost of doing business. Now the organizations are going for ERP, e-commerce, SAP etc., E-Trade, are among many recent entrants to the information economy, and the amount of business being conducted on the Internet is projected to grow at double-digit rates for well over ten years. Due to revolution in information technology, electronic data interchange, a state of the art information technology application, few years ago, is now considered as routine business practice. Due to this revolution, organizations moved towards downsizing and restructuring of the firms. Finally, information technology is changing how knowledge is used. Organization members now share the same key information that senior managers once used to control decision making. Ultimately, IT will generate new business models in which communication and information sharing is nearly free and easily accessible. Third: managerial innovation has responded to the globalization and information technology trends and has speed up their impact on organizations. New organizational forms, i.e. networks, virtual corporations etc, provide organizations with different ways of thinking about how the produced goods and deliver services. The strategic alliance, for example, has emerged as one of the indispensable tools in strategy implementation. No single organization, not even IBM, Mitsubishi, or General Electric, can control the environmental and market uncertainty it faces. New methods of change, such as downsizing and reengineering, have drastically reduced the size of organizations and increased their capacity, and new large group interventions have increased the speed with which organizational change can take place. OD practitioners, managers, and researchers argue that these forces not only are powerful in their own right but are interrelated. Organization development is the continuous process of improvement. As change is the continuous process so also to cope with such changes is necessary of organizations survive. As the time passes the new changes occur in the market dilemma. The organizations on their peak position need to maintain their peak position and continuously improve to provide better benefits to their customers. Timely they have to adapt new technology, enter in to new markets, beat the competition etc. The organization development is not only for the failure organization but the successful organization also adapt new technology and innovations to maintain their success. Organization may face different problems in their different departments like finance, management, marketing, production, sales and so on. So the OD consultant diagnoses these problems to provide solutions to that organization. Human resources our people may be a large fraction of our costs of doing business. They certainly can make the difference between organizational success and failure. We better know how to manage them. Changing nature of the workplace. Our workers today want feedback on their performance, a sense of accomplishment, feelings of value and worth, and commitment to social responsibility. They need to be more efficient, to improve their time management. And, of course, if we are to continue doing more work with less people, we need to make our processes more efficient. Global markets. Our environments are changing, and our organizations must also change to survive and prosper. We need to be more responsible to and develop closer partnerships with our customers. We must change to survive, and we argue that we should attack the problems, not the symptoms, in a systematic, planned, humane manner. Technological improvement: Organizations from time to time innovate and create new technology for better product development and management of organization. Because in era of competition the managers overall attention is toward the proper management and allocation of resources. Models of Organizational Development and its Effectiveness Organizations are facing continuous pressures due to change in global pace, economic and technological development and organization is making the same a feature of its life cycle. Every organization is going for development and directed at bringing about planned change to increase organizations effectiveness and efficiency. Managers, generally, initiate and implement the same with the help of an OD practitioner either from inside or outside of the organization. Organizations can use planned change to solve problems, to learn from experience, to adapt to external environmental changes, to improve performance, and to influence future changes. Organization Development (OD) covers all aspects of an organization; its functional scope is very vast as such it: Focuses on culture and processes Encourages collaboration between organization leadership and members in managing culture and process and makes it more efficient. Teams of various kinds are the target of OD. It focuses on the human and social side of the organization and in doing also intervenes in the technological and structural sides. Ensures participation and involvement in problem solving and decision making by all levels of the organization, which is hall mark of whole process. Also focuses on total systems change and views organizations as complex social systems. It leads to a development that seeks the betterment of both individuals and the organization as a whole. The OD consultants/ practitioners therefore plays an important and vital role as such they are facilitates, collaborates, and co-learners with the client system. At the outset OD consultants seeks top managements commitment and consent to initiate the process. The major events in the process then include: Sensing Diagnosing Planning Actions Evaluation Adjustments, and Repeating OD is an iterative process, it a journey not a destination. The goal of OD consultants is overcharging to make clients systems able to solve their problems through learning and teaching self-analytical methods. OD in fact is not one time process; rather it relies on action research model with extreme participation by client system members to bring sustainable growth. The knowledge base of OD is extensive, dynamic, and consonantly growing. Today the organizations prefer for holistic action plan as compare to linear or cyclic kind of interventions. The holistic approach presents a theory that the universe and especially nature should be viewed as interacting wholes rather than as distinct parts. This approach definitely caters to dynamic and most contemporary techniques for the planned change. There are numerous models and several recent theories those promises planned change. Few are highlighted below: Kurt Lewins Change Model Three stage theory of change was proposed by Kurt Lewin (founder of social psychology). Initially the theory was presented in 1947 and since then a lot of changes has been taken place in the original work. Actually there are various models of change which are based on the Kurt Lewin model. According to Kurt Lewin, change in organization is commonly referred to as  Unfreeze, Change, and Freeze. Change entails moving from one equilibrium point to another. Kurt Lewin model is useful to frame a process of change for people which can easily understand. Although this theory got so much popularity but it has been criticized for being too simplistic. The detailed explanation of each stage of the model is given below: Stage 1: Unfreezing Unfreezing is the first stage of Lewins Change Model. This stage focuses on the need for change and it is the starting point of change process. This stage emphasizes the importance of change and helps in moving move away from our current comfort zone. Change will not occur unless and until we understand the urgency of change. The more we feel that change is necessary, the more urgent it is and vise versa. When it becomes evident that the organization requires a change then the next step is to identify the pros and cons associated with the implementation of change. For example it would be wise to proceed with the change if the pros outnumber the cons before you take any action. This is the basis of what Kurt Lewin called the Force Field Analysis. In field force analysis there are various factors related to the change. Some of the factors are in favor of change while others are opposing factors. A change cannot takes place unless the factors for change outweigh the factors against chan ge. In the Unfreezing stage a department or an entire business moves towards motivation for change. The Kurt Lewin Force Field Analysis is a helpful way to know this process and there are ample of thoughts of how this can be done. Stage 2: Change or Transition The second stage of Lewins Change Model is a process of transition which is the inner movement or journey we make in reaction to a change. In transition process the current states is unfrozen and movement is started towards the new state. Lewin argued that the second stage is often the hardest as people are unsure or even fearful. Basically in this stage people are not much aware about the benefits of change so they are in the process of learning about the changes and require time to understand. In this stage people scan the environment for new relevant information and try to identify new role model or mentor. People must have clear picture of the desired change so they dont lose sight of where they are heading. Using role models and allowing people to develop their own solutions also help to make the changes. Stage 3: Freezing (or Refreezing) The last stage of Lewins Change Model is freezing or refreezing. Once the change has been made, the next step is to freeze the change in order to establish stability. In this stage everything is going to settle down because people are in the process of accepting the new changes. Thus all the changes become new norms of the organization and people form new relationships. People will become comfortable with their routines but it will take time. Many people argue that there is no freezing because of dynamic environment in which things are changing very rapidly. Therefore there is always a continuous change and freezing has become a chaotic process in which great flexibility is demanded. In this way unfreezing for the next change might be easier. Lewins tried to reinforce the change and ensure that the desired change is accepted and maintained into the future. Reinforcement is very important because people tend to go back to doing what they are used to doing. Effectiveness of Kurt Lewins Model of Change: There is lot of real life examples of Kurt Lewins Change model. Example # 1 Continental Airline By applying the Kurt Lewins Change Model, Continental Airlines became Airline of the Year. The awards won by Continental so far include No. 1 Most Admired Global Airline from Fortune magazine (2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009), Airline of the Year by OAG (2004, 2005), Best Trans-Atlantic and Trans-Pacific Business Class among U.S. airlines by Condà © Nast Traveler (1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006), and many others. [Video available at] Following is the another example of Kurt Lewins Change model: By doing attitude and satisfaction survey in the organization of all staff, management may come to know that the moral of the staff members is quite low and due to this risk of safety is quite high. This may hinder the change process. Similarly when information is being delivered to the field, but negative events are continuing to occur, this may reflect to the management that the message is not being heard and some required changes are in order. During the unfreezing step generally most of the staff members and management are willing to change. Kurt Lewins model suggests that one of the best ways to motivate people to change is to first get people see the need for change. Even when a change if for the persons long term health benefits such a ceasing a bad destructive habit, few people ever change because someone else tells them to. People generally need to see for themselves the need for change, for the catalyst to occur, to provoke them to unfreeze. Educating employees in regards the pressures for change is a first step. Organization leaders will begin to highlight gaps between current and desired states and put forward a vision as it needs to be. They further express the change in terms of particular outcomes that the organization desired from its operation and employees and their belief and confidence that these changes are possible. Before installing a new way of operations, the existing system needs to be broken down. At this stage, the goal of change agent is to create a strong reaction. To get the relevant staff management participated and examining the status quo. Create an environment on which people are forced to seek out a new and better way to do things. To re-set the normal order of things to new heights and standards. Tips to Unfreeze: Change is necessary because the businesses, market or product are changing. Analysis should be carried out that what is required. Build an understanding. Existing status quo will be required to break down before developing new way of doing things. Guide the people to know and understand that the old ways cannot continue and prior poor results will be used. Message should be passed on. What, who, when, where, why and how changes and improvements are necessary. Regular and frequent communication lines will be open with all employees. In order to eliminate the barriers of change, open door policy will be introduced with the aim to allow the employees to feel comfortable in sharing their concerns with the leadership. Remain open and honest with feedback to staff and continue to build solid interaction with the affected groups. Build a guiding partnership and support from management and understand and consider the needs of stakeholders. Transition During the transition phase we aim to shift or alter the behavior of the There are at least three planned change models that have been identified by Cummings and Worley (1997): Lewins change model, the action research model, and contemporary adaptations of action research. Kurt Lewins Change Model: Organizational change can occur at three levels- and, since the patterns of resistance to change are different for each, the patterns in each level require different change strategies and techniques. These levels involve: Changing the individuals who work in the organization-that is, their skills, values, attitudes, and eventually behavior-but making sure that such individual-behavior change is always regarded as instrumental to organizational change. Changing various organizational structures and systems-reward systems, reporting relationships, work design, and so on. Directly changing the organizational climate or interpersonal style-how open people are with each other, how conflict is managed, how decisions are made, and so on. Whatever the level involved, each of the three interventions is needed to make organizational members address the levels need for change, heighten their awareness of their own behavioral patterns, and make them more open to the change process. Stage 1: Unfreezing Three ways of unfreezing an organization are: i. Disconfirmation ii. Induction of guilt or anxiety iii. Creation of psychological safety Disconfirmation or lack of confirmation. Organizational members are not likely to embrace change unless they experience some need for it. Embracing change typically means that people are dissatisfied with the way things are quality is below standard, costs are too high, morale is too low, or direction is unclear, for example. Unfreezing involves reducing those forces maintaining the organizations behavior at its present level. Unfreezing is sometimes accomplished through a process of psychological disconfirmation. By introducing information that shows discrepancies between behaviors desired by organization members and those behaviors currently exhibited, members can be motivated to engage in change activities. Induction of guilt or anxiety. This is a matter of establishing a gap between what is current but not working well and some future goal that would make things work better. When people recognize a gap between what is and what would be better and more desirable, they will be motivated via guilt or anxiety to reduce the gap. But disconfirmation and induction are not enough to accomplish the unfreezing stage. One more process is necessary. Creation of psychological safety. To face disconfirmation, experience guilt or anxiety, and be able to act or move, people must believe that moving will not bring them humiliation or loss of self-esteem. People must still feel worthy, psychologically safe. The consultant must be concerned with people not losing face and must take car that when people admit that something is wrong they will not be punished or humiliated. Stage 2: Moving (Changing) The second step, movement, involves making the actual changes that will move the organization to another level of response. On the individual level, we would expect to see people behaving differently, perhaps demonstrating new skills or new supervisory practices. On the structural level, we would expect to see changes in actual organizational structures, reporting relationships, and reward systems that affect the way people do their work. On the climate or interpersonal level, we would expect to see behavior patterns that indicate greater interpersonal trust and openness and fewer dysfunctional interactions. There are two main processes for accomplishing this stage: Identification with a new role model Scanning the environment for new information Identification with a new role model, mentor, boss, or consultant to begin to see things from that other persons point of view. If we see another point of view operating in a person to whom we pay attention and respect, we

Monday, August 19, 2019

ovarian cancer Essay -- essays research papers

Of all gynecologic malignancies, ovarian cancer continues to have the highest mortality and is the most difficult to diagnose. In the United States female population, ovarian cancer ranks fifth in absolute mortality among cancer related deaths (13,000/yr). In most reported cases, ovarian cancer, when first diagnosed is in stages III or IV in about 60 to 70% of patients which further complicates treatment of the disease (Barber, 3). Early detection in ovarian cancer is hampered by the lack of appropriate tumor markers and clinically, most patients fail to develop significant symptoms until they reach advanced stage disease. The characteristics of ovarian cancer have been studied in primary tumors and in established ovarian tumor cell lines which provide a reproducible source of tumor material. Among the major clinical problems of ovarian cancer, malignant progression, rapid emergence of drug resistance, and associated cross-resistance remain unresolved. Ovarian cancer has a high frequency of metastasis yet generally remains localized within the peritoneal cavity. Tumor development has been associated with aberrant, dysfunctional expression and/or mutation of various genes. This can include oncogene overexpression, amplification or mutation, aberrant tumor suppressor expression or mutation. Also, subversion of host antitumor immune responses may play a role in the pathogenesis of cancer (Sharp, 77). Ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma was first described by...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Censorship :: essays papers

Censorship Censorship is a variety of things from yelling "fire" in a crowded theater to showing sexual intercourse on television. These things aren't all either, there are millions of things we use or see every day that are censored for a reason. The reason can be many but the three most important reasons are for an adult or child^s well being, for the decency of our society and for privacy of each other. All of these things are censored because our lives are influenced by these reasons in one way or another. This will tell you that with out censorship we would live in a world so dirty and irresponsible so indecent and shameful that it could not exist. We pretty much ignore the growth in violence and sexual abuse in our movies and on television. Have they gone away? According to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, by the time an average child leaves high school, he or she will have watched the happening of 18,000 murders on television. Prime time says the National Coalition on Television Violence, is filled with degrading sexual material and incidents ^where violence is strongly glamorized or used to excite.^ There have been 85 major studies of the effects of such violence on children. Eighty-four of the eighty- five concluded that it caused an increase in all manner of aggressive behavior, up to and including homicide. What happened to the one study that disagreed? Well, they were paid off by the National Broadcasting Company that just shows how guilty they are of producing violence from television. Another study shows that American children are having sexual intercourse at an average age of 16. If the te! levision was not censored as much as it is today these things would be much worse, our children would be sexual active at very young ages and crime rates would shoot upward. A civilization does not rise in the strength of it^s laws, however. It rises on the strength of its values. What values are we teaching by not having censorship in our society? No its not freedom of speech and its not freedom of the press. It is decency. What all civilized social orders, including our own, have consistently identified as decent, civilized behavior. The real threat to the republic is not what might happen to rights, but what is happening to a

Inequality in Legal System Essays -- essays research papers

Inequality Paper Inequality in the Legal System   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the United States, true equality has never existed. From the Declaration of Independence to modern times, the US legal system has failed at any attempt at equality. ‘...all men are created equal...’ may be what the Declaration says, but ‘some men are more equal than others’ is how the legal system really interprets that phrase. The actual reality of the Declaration of Independence is that all free, white, landowning men are created equal. Therefore, inequality has always existed in the united States’ legal system and continues to exist today; however, the inequality presently in the system is not as blatant as what it once was. Slavery continued in the United States for nearly ninety years after the Declaration, and African Americans still feel the sting of inequality today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the most controversial issues today is the act of racial profiling. The most common form is direct, meaning victims are directly profiled, usually by the police. In this form, individual officers act on racial stereotypes against racial minorities, especially African Americans. Recent studies in New Jersey and Illinois have confirmed that minorities are disproportionately targeted by police officers, although minorities are almost helpless in reporting ‘color of law’ attacks. It is their word against a legal official and, in most cases, the minority victim does not receive justification because the officers are cleared of charges. Out of nearly 10,000 color of law complaints received each year by the Department of Justice, only about thirty police officers are actually prosecuted. According to a June 1999 study done by the American Civil Liberties Union, many states have denied that racial profiling occurs despite overwhelming evidence supporti ng it. The public wants to believe that police officers are doing their jobs righteously by protecting and serving; however, according to the study, most Americans can recognize the difference between racism and assertive, effective policing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Millions of Americans watch television everyday for various reasons, but the most common one is to get the latest news. People like to stay informed, but what good is it when they are constantly being misinformed? The media tend to ‘profile’ just as much... ...rican Americans made up 43 percent of the death row inmates, which was more than three times the 13 percent share of the US population. This is mainly because African Americans rarely receive strong legal representation. They either can’t afford good attorneys or attorneys who have experience in that area are so overburdened that defendants must rely on public defenders or other attorneys with little or no expertise in covering a capital defense. Most African Americans are on death row for the accusation of killing a Caucasian person, which makes the public wonder if there is a premium on Caucasian life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States’ legal system has never been truly equal because it was founded on inequality and has always depended on inequality. The system could easily be changed to eliminate those inequalities, such as racial profiling, but that will not likely happen. So long as there is a majority dependent on the disparities of a minority, the system will maintain its current sanctity. In doing so, the system will remain dependent on inequality and provide means for future inequalities. The US legal system will always adapt to allow for inequalities.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Discussing Act.1 Scene 7 of Macbeth

The scene takes place in the Madison Square Garden's basketball courts after scheduled training. Chris Anderson, reserve point guard, a position recently appointed to him after Jason Hart sustained a serious injury, considers jeopardising Chauncey Billups position as point guard and captain of the Denver Nuggets. Chris talks to head cheerleader and girlfriend Ashley Reynolds and discusses ways to jeopardise Chauncey's position on the team. (Chris dribbles ball across court to Ashley) Chris: If only I could get rid of Chauncey without any suspicions or consequences (Thinks) I could purposely hurt Chauncey in a practise session, but the risk of suspicion would be way too risky. It would be much easier and beneficial to have someone do it for me. (Looks to Ashley in a strange way) Ashley: No, no way would I put my cheerleading career in jeopardy, and besides, who am I to do such a thing! I'm not a violent person! Chris: There's got be some way I can get his position. My basketball coach in college had a prophecy that one day I would be drafted to the NBA. He also stated that I would become a true leader of a NBA team. I've been drafted now and all there is left to do takeover Chauncey's position and captaincy. (Ashley thinks of ways in which Chris could become captain) Ashley: I have a perfect idea. Chris: Out with it then. Ashley: Well, I am head of the cheerleading team and everyone knows, players loooove cheerleaders. Chris: What are you trying to get at? Yes we all love cheerleaders. Ashley: Well, I could jeopardize Chauncey's position on the team by making false accusations that he sexually assaulted me. Chris: (Thinks) No, I couldn't do that to him, Chauncey is a loyal friend and besides, I don't want to ruin his career. What happens if the plan falls through? There's a chance it will ruin my NBA career as well. All the NBA endorsement I have received will be lost. I don't think I'm ready to throw that all away for a starting position on the team. Ashley: You are wrong! Chauncey isn't a loyal friend, he is a team-mate and that's all. Nothing bad will happen to you and your career. You don't have to be involved, no one will ever know! Chris: Ashley, we are a couple now, if news spreads that we are together and then gets linked back to the sexual assault a lot of attention will be brought upon me. I don't know what to do, I'm only a newly recruited player to the Denver Nuggets, I should be appreciative of what has been given to me. Not everybody receives a deal like mine. Chauncey is very deserving of his position on the team and is a very good role model in which I should aspire to. He is so well respected in the NBA. There would be many assumptions as to why he would sexually assault women, let alone a cheerleader from the same team, besides Chauncey has a wife and is a very good friend of yours. Ashley: What are you talking about Chris? Ever since you were drafted to the NBA you've wanted Chauncey's position! You've wanted leadership and you should be granted recognition. What girl doesn't want her boyfriend to show leadership and dominance? I would love you even more if we were to pull this off. Chris: No, the Consequences of these circumstances are far too severe. Chauncey has done nothing to me in order for me to jeopardise his position on the team let alone his career in the NBA. If the predications from my college basketball are true, maybe I might get that leadership role as captain of a team, but who's saying that its going to be captain of the Denver Nuggets, who says that its Chauncey Billups position and role of the team in which I'm going to overthrow. In time, the prophecy will come true. It's better to hide my ambitions then expose them and run the risk of ruining my NBA career, a friends NBA career or my friendship with Chauncey.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Would you use Keynesian Policy?

1. Would you use Keynesian Policy? Explain Keynesian Economics in 10 lines or less. Keynesian Economics, broadly speaking, is a macroeconomic approach that advocates active government intervention in a country's monetary policy in order to ensure the best economic outcome. This produces a mixed economy, where both the private sector and the government control market conditions. In order to ensure economic growth and stability, governments impose policies that could stimulate the economy towards their desired ends. In a recession, stability can be achieved through tax breaks and government spending; in an economic upturn, this can be   done though tax hikes and cutbacks on government spending. Keynes, the theory's proponent, believes that trends in the macroeconomic level can influence the spending and market behavior of individuals, and that the government plays a crucial part in instigating these trends by adjusting the economy's general equilibrium. 2. Would you use Supply Side Policy? Explain this Economic Policy in 10 lines or less. The supply-side policy holds that influencing the supply of goods and services will lead to economic health. It emphasizes the supply, rather than the demand stimulus towards economic activity. Its conjecture is that if individuals have the means to buy, demand will be created. Supply-side economics thus focuses on policies that raise production capabilities for lowering the cost of products and controlling inflation. Supply side economists believe that high taxes increases the costs of production, thereby reducing the incentive to work and to invest. As such, they advocate policies that lower taxation rates in order to raise labor outputs and market capitals. 3. Would you use Monetarism? Explain this policy in 10 lines or less. The doctrine of Monetarism places emphasis on controlling the domestic money supply for promoting growth and maintaining economic stability. Monetarists believe that regulating the national income is the primary means for improving economic activity. It holds that instability and market changes such as inflation are due to fluctuations in the money supply, specifically, that these changes came as a result of the money supply being larger than the demand. By this assumption, increasing or decreasing the money supply, rather than raising taxes, will keep inflation in check. This is usually done by maintaining price stability and steadily increasing the stock of money in a moderate manner. 4. Would you use a combination of some or all of the above? Explain their main differences in 16 lines. Among the three macroeconomic policies, I believe a combination of Keynesian and Monetarist approaches will do best in achieving economic growth and stability.  According to the theory of Monetarism, inflation is an effect of the supply of money exceeding the demand. As such, regulating market prices is the best way of controlling inflation. But while Keynesian economics focus on the stability of currency, Monetarism focuses on price stability, which is achieved through maintaining money's supply-demand equilibrium. Keynesian economics supports government manipulation of market conditions by way of   monetary policies based on real aggregate demand. When there is economic recession and inflation, it advocates higher taxes in order to curb individual spending. But aside from the monetary angle, it also employs fiscal strategies, those that relate to government spending, revenues, and debt. Supply-side economics is concerned with policies that produce more incentives for work, rather than stimulate demand. The emphasis on the supply factor is the main difference between the Supply-side and Keynesian theories. Proponents of supply-side economics believe that increasing taxes will only cause revenues to fall, therefore, reducing it will do more good by generating economic activity. However, I believe that this will not increase the supply of labor and services substantially. Lower taxes does not necessarily mean that individuals will choose to be more productive. Moreover, huge tax cuts can cause enormous deficits in the federal budget. 5. Given the economic model/theory, you choose to work with, explain your economic strategy for the next four years.  In the next four years, I aim to guide the nation towards having a strong and stable financial system. This means that in economic trems, stable prices are maintaned, inflation lessened, and long-term interest rates are moderated. I also aim to keep unemployment to a minimun, or better yet, lower than the current rate of 5.10%. I propose to achieve these things though policies that follow and Monetarist and Keynesian principles. We can best promote a progressive climate by maintaining an environment of low inflation. An important reason for keeping inflation low is that businesses will be able to foresee substantial future benefits if they are to be willing to bear the long-term risks that are associated with creating new enterprises, and expected low inflation affords them a clearer view of projected benefits. The Monetarist theory holds that variations in unemployment and inflation rates are caused by changes in the supply of money, and that inflation is a purely monetary phenomenon—this means that if the money supply does not change, the price level remains the same. Therefore, regulating the money supply will ensure a stable economic preformance. The money supply can be balanced through the buying and selling government bonds and securities. By buying securities, the government increases the money supply, thus lowering interest rates. On the same note, when it sells securites, the money supply becomes tighter. Using the Keynesian perspective, rising inflation levels can be curbed by imposing higher taxes to lessen demand and stabilize economic performance. This can also reduce the money supply so that interest rates will go up, making it harder for firms and consumers to obtain money, thereby reducing aggregate demand. Since the current rate of inflation is on the rise, I propose higher interest rates in order to lessen spending. This can also be done by regulating reserve requirements of member banks, affecting interest rates. When banks reserves are lower, there is a limited amount of money to go around so interest rates go up. This usually affects the amount of money banks lend to consumers and firms. When interest rates increase, consumers are less willing to borrow money to spend on goods or services. I expect the above measures to decrease inflation and increase employment rates, which means that the total market value of all the goods and services will also increase. This translates to a higher GNP. Higher taxes would also lessen the budget deficit, and since the deficit is financed by borrowing, the country's debt will decrease as well. As for productivity, I also expect it to increase. The link between costs and   productivity is usually a positive one. Productivity helps offset costs so if inflation is low, it means that productivity is high.  If my strategy does not work and my inflation and unemployment goals were not reached, I may opt for deficit spending in order to stabilize the economy. While deficit spending can catalyze negative effects, under certain conditions (such as in a recession), it can help the economy cope. Since the money used to finance deficits usually come from foreign governments and institutions, it would be to the economy's advantage if   they can be convinced to support my proposal.. Economic indicators, dictate how the policies are implemented. However, globalization can make it harder to determine the extent of economic manipulation that is needed to promote economic growth. A global market changes the dynamics of traditional economic systems, making economic outcomes more difficult to predict. Prices of products and services are now increasingly determined by market factors aside from those within the country. Thus, intervening with the money suppy may not be an accurate response to certain economic situations. Emerging economic trends and indicators should be taken into account regarding government policies and decisions.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

A Comparison Of Wastewater Treatment Methods Environmental Sciences Essay

Water constitutes over 70 % of the Earths surface and is a really of import resource for all people and the environment. If H2O gets polluted it cant be the elixr of life any longer to aquatic and to the wild life that depend on it. Rivers and watercourses polluted with chemical contaminations account as one of the most important environmental jobs. Water pollution is fundamentally a human fallacy.This used H2O is called â€Å" effluent † . Turning population and rapid industrialization has increased the volume of effluent manifold finally deteriorating the fresh H2O resources and environing environment due to inappropriate management.It is 99.94 per centum H2O, with merely 0.06 per centum of the effluent being dissolved and suspended solid stuff. Infiltration/inflow: immaterial H2O that enters the cloaca system through indirect and direct agencies such as through leaking articulations, clefts, or porous walls.Inflow is storm H2O that enters the cloaca system from storm drain connexions, roof headings, foundation and cellar drains or through manhole screens ; Features: Fresh, aerophilic, domestic H2O has been said to hold the smell of kerosine or newly turned Earth. Aged, infected sewerage is well more violative to the olfactory nerves.The characteristic rotten-egg smell of H sulphide and the mercaptans is declarative of infected sewage.Fresh sewerage is typically gray in colour.septic sewerage is black.The category of chemical compounds found in effluent are illimitable and so they are better known by the name of the trial used to mensurate them which are BOD5 and COD test.Industrial procedures generate a broad assortment of effluent pollutants.The features and degrees of pollutants vary significantly from industry to industry. Waste-water quality is assessed based on physical, chemical, and biological features. Physical parametric quantities include coloring materials, smell, temperature, and turbidness. Insoluble contents such as solids, oil and lubricating oil, are to be considered under this category.. Solids may be farther subdivided into suspended and dissolved solids every bit good as organic ( volatile ) and inorganic ( fixed ) fractions. Chemical factors to be considered are: biochemical O demand ( BOD ) , chemical O demand ( COD ) , entire organic C ( TOC ) , and entire O demand ( TOD ) . Inorganic chemical parametric quantities include salt, hardness, pH, sourness and alkalinity, every bit good as concentrations of ionised metals such as Fe and manganese, and anionic entities such as chlorides, sulphates, sulphides, nitrates and phosphates. Bacteriological parametric quantities include coliforms, fecal coliforms, specific pathogens, and viruses. Both components and concentrations vary with clip a nd local conditions.VARYING FLOW Issue:Waste-water flow fluctuates with fluctuations in H2O use, which is affected by a battalion of factors including clime, community size, life criterions, dependableness and quality of H2O supply, H2O preservation demands or patterns, and the extent of metre services, in add-on to the grade of industrialization, cost of H2O and supply force per unit area. Wide fluctuations in effluent flow rates may therefore be expected to happen within a community Effluent does non flux into a municipal effluent intervention works at a changeless rate. The flow rate varies from hr to hr. In most metropoliss, the form of day-to-day activities sets the form of sewerage flow and strength. Above-average sewerage flows and strength occur in mid-morning.The invariably altering sum and strength of effluent to be treated makes efficient procedure operation difficult.Also, many intervention units must be designed for the maximal flow conditions encountered which really consequences in their being oversized for mean conditions.Flow equalisation is non a intervention procedure in itself, but a technique that can be used to better the effectivity of both secondary and advanced effluent intervention processes.The intent of flow equalisation is to stifle the fluctuations so that the effluent can be treated at a about changeless flow rate.Flow equalisation can significantly better the public presentation of an bing works and increase its utile capacity.In ne w workss, flow equalisation can cut down the size and cost of the intervention units. Wastewater intervention options may be classified into groups of procedures harmonizing to the map they perform and their complexness: The basic methods of handling municipal effluent autumn into the undermentioned phases, which is shown in the signifier of block flow: The procedure flow diagram of a basic effluent intervention procedure is as follows:Conventional WASTEWATER TREATMENT PROCESSES:General footings used to depict different grades of intervention in order of increasing intervention degree are preliminary, primary, secondary and third and/or advanced effluent intervention.Preliminary intervention:Preliminary intervention prepares waste-water influent for farther intervention by cut downing or extinguishing non-favourable waste-water features that might otherwise impede operation or overly increase care of downstream procedures and equipment. These features include big solids and shreds, scratchy grit, smells, and, in certain instances, intolerably high extremum hydraulic or organic burdens. Preliminary intervention processes consist of physical unit operations, viz. testing and comminution for the remotion of dust and shreds, grit remotion for the riddance of coarse suspended affair, and floatation for the remotion of oil and lubricating oil. Other preliminary intervention operations include flow equalization, septage handling, and odour control methods.Primary Treatment:Primary intervention is designed to take organic and inorganic solids by the physical procedures of deposit and flotation. About 30 – 40 % of the pollutants are removed from the waste Waterss. Primary intervention acts as a precursor for secondary intervention.Secondary intervention:The intent of secondary intervention is the remotion of soluble and colloidal organics and suspended solids that have escaped the primary intervention. This is typically done through biological procedures, viz. intervention by activated sludge, fixed-film reactors, or laguna systems and deposit. Chemical intervention utilizes a coagulator such as Fe or aluminium.Then solid organic affair and P are precipitated into larger pieces which are separated as sludge. Suspended solids removal through chemical intervention involves a series of three unit operations: rapid commixture, flocculation and settling..A once-through chemical intervention system is shown below the tabular array. Advantage: greater remotion efficiency, the feasibleness of utilizing higher overflow rates, and more consistent public presentation. On the other manus, curdling consequences in a larger mass of primary sludge that is frequently more hard to inspissate and dewater. It besides entails higher operational costs and demands greater attending on the portion of the operator.Adsorption WITH ACTIVATED CARBONAdsorption is the procedure of roll uping soluble substances within a solution on a suited interface. In waste-water intervention, surface assimilation with activated carbon-a solid interface-usually follows normal biological intervention, and is aimed at taking a part of the staying dissolved organic matter.Particulate affair nowadays in the H2O may besides be removed.. The two most common types of activated C are farinaceous activated C ( GAC ) , which has a diameter greater than 0.1 millimeter, and powdered activated C ( PAC ) , which has a diameter of less than 200 mesh. A schematic of an activated C contactor is shown below the tabular array. Advantage: Exploitation powdered activated C in concurrence with traditional biological intervention provides first-class outflowing bio-assay consequences, provides for toxicity control within the bioreactor, and proA ­motes higher nitrification efficiency than that of a conventional activated-sludge system.CWAOOxidation is a procedure widely used for effluent intervention by which the pollutants are removed or converted into more biodegradable substances. Catalytic moisture air oxidization ( CWAO ) is a liquid stage reaction between organic stuff in H2O and O. CWAO is an attractive intervention for waste watercourses, which are excessively dilute to incinerate and excessively concentrated for biological intervention. It can be defined as the oxidization of organic and inorganic substances in an aqueous solution or suspension by agencies of O or air at elevated temperatures and force per unit areas. It is besides called flameless burning Typical conditions for CWAO scope from 125 to 300a- ¦C and at force per unit areas from 0.5 to 20 MPa. Residence times may alter from 15 to 120 min, and the chemical O demand ( COD ) remotion may typically be about 75-90 % .DECHLORINATIONDechlorination is the remotion of free and entire combined Cl residue from chlorinated effluent wastewater before its reuse or discharge to having Waterss. Chlorine compounds react with many organic compounds in the wastewater to bring forth unsought toxic compounds that cause long-run inauspicious impacts on the H2O environment and potentially toxic effects on aquatic microorganisms. Beginning: Adapted from Liu and Liptak, Wastewater Treatment ACTIVATED CARBON CONTACTOR: Beginning: Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering, 3rd edition.Comparison OF CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL IN WASTEWATER:Factor BIOLOGICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL CHEMICAL PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL EFFLUENT QUALITY Biological P remotion was observed to make a lower limit of 0.4mg/l in the wastewater Chemical P remotion was observed to make whatever outflowing quality demand as more and more chemicals are dosed SLUDGE PRODUCTION ( The production of sludge is considered as a really of import factor in the pick of a effluent intervention method presents ) Sludge production is less compared to chemical method. Chemical P remotion produces more sludge, approximately 25 % more sludge than by biological agencies. NEEDED PLANT VOLUME As the volume of the anaerobiotic zone of the Bio -P procedure is reduced, there are alterations in the outflowing quality and the efficiency of P remotion is reduced The decrease of the volume of the anaerobiotic zone has no effects on the chemical P remotion Consumption OF ENERGY It was possible to cut down the capacity of the aeration device down to 1000kg O2/hr and still hold good intervention consequences in footings of COD and nitrogen remotion in the Bio-P process.Beyond this bound ( less than 100kg O2/hr ) COD and the Nitrogen in the wastewater are excessively high. Same sum of COD and Nitrogen in the wastewater is observed at 500kgO2/hr.So chemical method is more immune to decrease in aeration capacity than the Bio-P procedure by atleast 500kgO2/hr aeration capacity. ECONOMIC COST OF TREATMENT ) Annual cost for sludge disposal is saved by Bio-P compared to chemical method. The cost of buying chemicals is high and no nest eggs with respect to sludge disposal compared to Bio-P remotion. The economic cost of intervention has been evaluated based on a summing up of the single costs associated with sludge production, cost of chemicals, energy cost and costs associated to volume nest eggs. The purpose of an economic cost is non to reflect the exact fiscal cost but an estimation that could be used as a guideline for the building of a new works or for comparing of the two procedures. Discussion: Chemical VS BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT: Biological procedure removes solid organic affair and dissolved organic affair. The chemical procedure removes solid organic affair and phosphorus.Chemical precipitation cleans the H2O really quickly, say in less than 15mins after the induction of the procedure, we have clean H2O, whereas with biological intervention it will take 3 hour to accomplish the same.Biological procedure stopping points relatively long clip and is dependent on the effectivity of the microorganisms.Chemical and Biological interventions work in different ways and accomplish different results.We have to find the major causes of O lack in Waterss and choose the intervention in conformity with local environmental requirements.Purification in itself demands resources.Biological intervention requires a long abode clip and energy is consumed when air is blown into the sewerage water.Consequently the Biological works is large and more complex.The micro-organisms have to be adapted to the pollution which sensitises th e whole system.Chemical purification requires add-on of coagulators which is done in a little pool and at lower energy consumption.The entire energy used for chemical intervention is merely 15 % of that required for biological intervention, even if the energy used for production and distribution of coagulators is included.In footings of the entire ecological emphasis, the chemical procedure is favoured.Life rhythm appraisals show the biological procedure to be a larger consumer of resources and therefore it is more negative interms of its full environmental impact.If there is no demand to take dissolved organic affair a biological procedure could make greater ecological harm than chemical procedure due to the entire energy ingestion and the natural stuffs used when building the works. The environment makes demands on the purification procedure and if advanced purification is necessary both biological and chemical methods must be used..In Norway, the bing chemical works built wholly within bedrock was extended with the N remotion system due to the increased food load.With the alone combination of chemical and biological procedures this works occupies less than half the volume of the conventional biological procedure. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Effective effluent aggregation and intervention are of great importance from the point of view of both environmental and public wellness. Any effluent intervention works needs important investing and Operation Maintenance and control, and hence any determination to implement such a installation should be carefully considered. It is non a good thought to reason that any intervention method is better than the other.Each one has its ain advantages and disadvantages.The pick of which method is to be used will depend on the society, the discharge demands and the costs they are ready to incur.As a concluding decision, the winning construct these yearss should non be based on which procedure should be used in isolation to the other, but instead utilizing the advantages of both processes together to obtain best consequences, while at the same clip understating their disadvantages. Extensive research activity in this field has led to important betterment and variegation in the procedures and methods used for waste-water intervention and sludge direction. Public wellness jeopardies are frequently associated with waste-water reuse, and accordingly it is indispensable to circulate cognition and information about the danger of natural waste-water reuse and issue safe reuse guidelines.